Teachers are Heroes | Teen Ink

Teachers are Heroes

September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

Mr. Faist, my seventh grade Life Science teacher was obsessed with the ocean. He knew the works. On his free time, if it wasn’t surfing, he was scuba diving, or feeding sharks. Its always surprising to see the enthusiasm in his face when he opens the door to greet us, knowing that he could be gliding on a wave. But everyday after the next, he was there with a colossal smile on his face, greeting us at the door as we walked into class everyday. Knowing that my teacher was passionate about his job made learning relieving in his class. But what is a real hero? From the dictionary, the first definition of a hero is a mythological or legendary figure of great strength or ability. Mr. Faist had a special talent. He could not see through walls, or read minds, but he could juggle. He could juggle sticks with fire at the end, golf balls, tennis balls, markers, crayons, and his students. Mr. Faist never really picked up his students to juggle them, but indirectly, as if knowledge was towering in the sky. The room would permeate anticipation when a new scientific theory was to be learned because he would throw us as high as he could in order for his students to float in the clouds surrounded by comprehension. In his class, the sky was the limit. Like a monkey loves a banana, Mr. Faist loved to teach. His effort to paint a smile on everyone’s face shows through his actions and energy he puts forth to his class everyday. To me, having a teacher that has faith in you means a lot more a mythological or legendary figure of great strength and ability because a hero makes sacrifices, and his sacrifice was made to the students he teaches everyday. That is the definition of hero.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 11 2012 at 6:00 pm
VelanedeBeaute GOLD, Sialkot, Other
11 articles 2 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
I vow to shine, like a sapphire, some gem!
I promise, not to whine, but smile till the end.
The symphony of my life
like a violin I will play,
I would vouch,
Vehement to my life I lay.

I so agree with you over the thing that a teacher who believes in you is but a great blessing. :) Brilliantly put article, loved it! :)