Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2014
By Alongmore GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
Alongmore GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Educator of the Year

As I walk into my first day of chemistry class of my junior year, all I hear is this joyful, boisterous voice saying, “Hello boys and girls, who’s ready for chemistry?” The classroom went dead silent. And all eyes went on the tall, beautiful, blonde woman in the room.  “Okay then, if you're not now, you will be.” She had a way of lighting up the classroom in an instant.
Mrs. Koch is unlike any teacher I had in the past.  She’s determined, optimistic, and down to earth. She genuinely cares about all of her students. She even goes out of her way to ask them about their day and how they’re doing. She strives for people to achieve their goals. I looked forward walking into her class every day because of the unique ways she taught us. We would never repeat the same learning tactics because she thought that was to “old school.” Instead she thought outside of the box, which made us eager to learn.
As the semester went on, I became more intrigued with wanting to know more and more about chemistry because she made every class different than the last. Our experiments would  involve fire, smoke, and explosions. There was never a dull, or boring moment I had learning with Mrs. Koch, because she always kept us on our toes.
Mrs. Koch made everyone, including the kids that thought they were “too cool for school” want to be in her classroom. She  Mrs. Koch is unlike any teacher I had because of the ways she interacted with us, making us feel like the class was a family. There is no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Angela Koch should be educator of the year. Having a teacher that you’re able to connect with, is something that every student should want in their high school career. I’m blessed that Mrs. Koch was mine. 

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