Mrs. Brown: Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Brown: Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By ---itsabs--- SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
---itsabs--- SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked through the doors on the first day of  Junior year filled with fear, worry, and uncertainty. You could say I was not a school person. I was not excited for the classes that were to come; classes where I didn’t know anyone and didn’t know where to sit. I was especially nervous for AP psychology, mostly because I had never taken an AP class. But by seventh hour, my feelings changed completely. I was ready to give it a shot.  Who knew what I was in store for?

I walked into Mrs. Brown’s psychology classroom with her  purple walls covered in posters, string lights, and drawings. The room was inviting; it was different than the traditional high school classroom which typically had few personal touches.  As the bell rang, Mrs. Brown excitedly welcomed us, and I already felt her energy, interest and love for this subject and teaching students. I remember laughing and smiling. Maybe this class will be different than I thought.

Mrs. Brown is the most compassionate, creative, and courageous teacher I have ever had. I remember a day when we were given a vocabulary packet that was 100 vocabulary words long. Through the groans and growls of other students, I knew I could do it with her help.  She made sure everyone understood the material during this long chapter learning sensation and perception.

Doing projects and laughing through examples and stories she told made AP Psychology my favorite class. During the unit on the brain, Mrs. Brown brought in a real brain that we could hold and study. Although it was gross, it helped me understand the brain, and, surely, I will never forget holding a real brain in my hands. 

I was surprised at my change of thought from the beginning of the year, but Mrs. Brown made the class feel different. It didn’t seem like a difficult AP class with the AP test hanging over my head. She took it day by day and made sure each and every one of us felt comfortable and understood the topics. She made me want to pursue education or a career in psychology. She has had an everlasting effect on me, as she has shown the dedication that teachers bring to their teaching and the importance of hard work.

Walking into classroom 189 everyday, hit by the smell of cinnamon in the diffuser, I immediately got a smile on my face. I thought, today I will learn while having the time of my life. As her voice echoed through the room, I felt overjoyed. Mrs. Brown made me feel individually cared for, allowing open discussions and conversations about psychology throughout the class. 

Time and time again, I am amazed by her genuine love for her students and psychology. Mrs. Brown has helped me develop studying tactics, ideas for the future, and a love for the subject of psychology. I will never forget Mrs. Brown. I hope to be like her when I grow up.

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