All About Me | Teen Ink

All About Me

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Trees, grass, flowers and an occasional dog bone make up the yard to my 55 year old house. Inside the dog lays sleeping in front of the front window, barking at anyone who pulls in our driveway. The house is neat and dust free but I can’t say the same for my room. To me my room is organized into heaping piles of clean clothes, games, books, pictures and other random things, but my Dad says “It looks like a pig sty”. When I am home I like to be in my room or outside.
I work as a nanny for a little girl who reads book after book and loves to pretend to be a duck out in the lake. I have one sister who has finally moved out into her very own house; witch to me just means I get another bedroom to myself. Both my parents are home most the afternoon so by the time I get home all chores around the house are already done.
I live in the town that is made up of a gas station, a few bars, a park and a school. It is a little town with lots of trees and fields that I have lived in my whole life, but I still love it.

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