She forgot something.... | Teen Ink

She forgot something....

March 29, 2012
By Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
Icillict PLATINUM, New Holland, Pennsylvania
35 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love <3

It was all his fault, he was nice to me, hanged around my shoulder, laughed, and simply waited for me at the door. And it was simple, the simple habit ever since he broke up with her. When he did, he hanged with me, but of course I was there for him all along. I didn't know, I never thought they would go back together like peas in a pod. He used to be so thrilled, or maybe he was wearing a mask. But I didn't know, I guess I should.

Back in the day, around our kind friendship, I was in love. But now I seem to lose hope, because he didn't love me. Although I kept a picture in my mind, of all the full smiles he would present. Even crossed of the letters and texts so I wouldn't remember. I guess I did know.
I knew I was your filling, your dent. But I wish I could bring it back, September, March, July. Now sometimes I want to erase those sweet memories. I'd beg time to stop and gaze forever at my future. But as soon as the night falls down like drapes, I begin to cry in my bedroom.
I realize it wasn't his fault. I gazed at my future too long, and expected more. I stole his mask after they started dating, to cover my pain.

I knew all along, that I was his dent, and cried all night. Woke up the next sunrise. I forgot my mask at home.

The author's comments:
Right now, my best friend that I have a crush on is dating his ex... yippee

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