Driving And Grades | Teen Ink

Driving And Grades MAG

By Anonymous

   I am responding to the article about getting your license only if you have good grades. At first, I was against it. I thought it would never work and had many questions: "What if the person wasn't capable of getting good grades, and didn't have the motivation to?" "What if a person got her license and then let her grades slip?"

In the article I found my questions answered and I started to agree with John Colleran. If getting good grades would get students their license, they would be more motivated to get A's and B's and study. Also they might concentrate on their schoolwork more and might not get into trouble. The student's reward for studying and hard work would be his/her license.

The only problem I have with the idea is: what if the person drops out, or has a special circumstance where they weren't able to attend school? They might have to make a special exception for these people. Also, what happens when students get out of high school? Do the rules change?

In my opinion, if the idea applied to me, I would be more motivated to do well academically and to keep doing better. -

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

on Aug. 4 2013 at 11:03 am
readlovewrite SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
7 articles 1 photo 58 comments

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"Be quick to listen, and slow to speak, and even slower to judge."

This is a very interesting response.  What is the artical you are responding to called?  I am very interested to read it.