Mail Call Letter | Teen Ink

Mail Call Letter

January 7, 2019
By Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

First and foremost, welcome home! I was inspired to write to you after watching the honor flight movie in my creative writing classl. Some info about me; I am 18 years old and I plan to wrestle in college at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, last year I won a state championship in wrestling at the 152 lb weight class, I don't have any close family members to me that served in the military but I have always looked up to people such as yourself and have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for our veterans.

I’m thankful for veterans because without the courageous and selfless acts of men like you I would not be able to pursue my athletic and academic dreams. I am appreciative of your fearless sacrifice to leave your friends and family in order to step out onto the battlefield and risk your life to protect my freedoms and to insure that I can live the life I want to live.

The legacy of our veterans needs to be lived through by the people of the United States. Everyday I wake up, go to school, go to practice, and get the job done. I do this because I know that some people in the world cannot do that so I take advantage of my freedom and live life to the fullest everyday.

I know that many veterans were drafted at 18. Thinking of myself going into the military right now doesn't scare me because I would do it if my country needed me to. But I do know that it helps me to recognize how brave people like you truly are. To leave comfort and safety at 18 and risk your life on the battlefield is just amazing to me. Whenever I see pictures or videos of veterans returning home after long tours of duty it makes me grateful to live the life that live.

6nkful for your sacrifices. You were willing to risk your life so that I, and millions of other Americans can live freely everyday. If one day I can live to become half the man you are then i’d be content.

Thank you,

Josh O.

The author's comments:

I wrote this to a Wisconsin Veteran so they can read it on their mail call flight

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