The Many Places I Have Moved | Teen Ink

The Many Places I Have Moved

May 24, 2019
By 22dh03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
22dh03 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Although I will move to new places in the future, I have already moved quite a bit during my life. When I get older and I am ready to move again,  I won't move too far away from my family.

I was born in Clear Lake Iowa. I lived there for 2 years. We lived in Northfield for a couple of years until my parents got divorced. My Dad then moved to Cannon Falls, while my mom and I moved to Apple Valley. Then I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and went to Children's Hospital for treatment when I was four years old. After that, my Mom and Dad lived together again for a while.


Next, they separated again, and I went to live with my Mom in Northfield at a place called Jefferson Square. She still lives there today but she wants to move again. At that time, my Dad was still in Cannon Falls and was living with my aunt.

He later moved to an apartment in Northfield. While in Northfield he met his new girlfriend Sandi and moved in with her. Then they decided to move here in Cannon Falls.

I have been here ever since then and I enjoy it here. I like living in a smaller town. I like having all four seasons in the Midwest.

I realized I wanted to be close to family and not live somewhere halfway around the world. I don't like being that far away from my family. My grandparents live in Faribault and Winona, so they are close enough to visit. I also have a lot of cousins who live close to Cannon Falls which I like. I would live in another state close to Minnesota, like Wisconsin, or in another town in the state, but I want to live in this general area.

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