Hear It | Teen Ink

Hear It

March 9, 2018
By Anonymous

In this society, if you fall, no one cares, they walk by, and continue to talk to their "friends", who really are just people you have seen. No one has a friend, because friends don't lie. No one knows you exist, they're all too focused on their "lives", but can you call it living if you never do anything in the world, never make a mark, do nothing to make it a better place. In this society life isn't even worth living, but we live it to see if someone else will do what we can't, not because we aren't as smart, pretty, or talented, but because we don't care enough about the world to save it. That's the problem, we don't care. And in the end that's fine, because if no one cares, we can still pretend. In the end, this is our society.

The author's comments:

Well that happened...

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 18 2018 at 6:29 pm
StarsDisappear, Greensboro, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 12 comments

on Mar. 15 2018 at 6:03 pm
Paintbrush BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
"The person that I now see, is a person who is just like me, well, I mean, they arent just like me, but why should we ever try to be in this place we call reality"

W o a this is lit