My Privacy Is Alive & Well | Teen Ink

My Privacy Is Alive & Well MAG

April 28, 2014
By karenc GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
karenc GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
15 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
An arrow can be shot only by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just take a deep breath and keep aiming.

“My Privacy Is Alive and Well” by Delphine D. is extremely relatable. She explains how she doesn't post very much on social media sites like Facebook in order to keep information about herself private. “Privacy is not dead; it lives on despite being made unpopular by the rising tide of social media,” Delphine writes.

I agree with many of Delphine's points. There are even sites whose purpose is to scare people about posting too much personal information. One such site is interactive and makes you connect to Facebook to use it. From there, the site will play a clip of a stalker who knows too much about you based on what you've posted on the website. In addition, there have been pranks on YouTube where people have used Instagram to track down others because of the option to use location services on a picture.

Though I found Delphine's article well-written, I do not completely agree when she claims that social media does not force people to give up information. She fails to consider that large websites like Facebook do urge users to give up their privacy. When I click on my Facebook profile, it tells me that my timeline is only 77 percent complete and asks, “Karen, which city do you live in?” Prompts like that cause some users to feel it's necessary to answer all these personal questions, and many do not know how to ignore the cleverly placed boxes.

However, overall, I found the article clear and succinct, and I believe Delphine did a great job expressing her views.

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