The holes in my heart | Teen Ink

The holes in my heart

November 18, 2008
By Anonymous

This was an amazing story of a girl growing up in Cambodia. Her father beat her, her mother, and brothers and sisters. Her mom was paralyzed from her dad, who left them all and got remarried. Lea had to take care of her now abandoned family when she was only six. By the time she was eight her mother died and all of her brothers and sisters were being taken care of by relatives; everyone except for her youngest brother Shane, who was adopted by an American family.

After Lea’s mother died she was forced to live with her aunt who she didn’t like at all. She was mean and Lea desperately wanted out from her house. Then the best thing happened and the family that adopted Shane decided to adopt Lea! It was amazing how fate found her, and at the perfect time.

I am so happy for Lea. She can finally be happy with a real family. Plus, she is now re-united with her long lost brother. She said that adapting to America was hard, but worth it. I can believe that because I still have a hard time knowing what’s going on today her and I’ve lived here my whole life. I just glad that Lea gets to live the normal life she worked for her whole life.

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