Poison Ivys | Teen Ink

Poison Ivys

March 26, 2019
By michelleicedo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
michelleicedo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A big round of applause to Danielle Diamond for her article "Poison Ivys." Everything mentioned in her writing about college, from SAT scores to the admission system could not be more true. I agree with her statement "We are no longer people, but numbers on a piece of paper." All colleges care for are how high a student's GPA is, or how high their standardized test scores are. I was shocked to read that although Diamond was seen as a perfect candidate, her GPA or test scores were not, which failed to grant her admission. This goes to show how flawed the college administration is. Numbers should not define students or their entrance to college. Thank you Danielle Diamond for being brave enough to share your college decision experience. Also, for reassuring students that no matter what school you go to, "every school will have life-changing opportunities at your fingertips." 

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