Puppy Cruelty: Mills | Teen Ink

Puppy Cruelty: Mills MAG

By Anonymous

   While our shelters are bursting at the seams with unwanted animals looking for good homes, pet shops encourage the irresponsible and negligent proliferation of dogs and cats. About 360,000 puppies sold in pet shops each year come from "puppy mills," breeding kennels located mostly in the midwestern states where "farmers" churn out hundreds of yorkies, spaniels, poodles, and other pups in outdoor cages, then ship them off like vegetables to market. These places are notorious for their cramped, crude, and filthy conditions and continuous inbreeding of unhealthy and hard-to-socialize animals. Female dogs are bred continuously with no rest between heat cycles, and they are killed when their bodies give out.

Remember, four out of five animals who enter an animal shelter are put to sleep. Try getting your next pet at an animal shelter instead of a pet shop. This saves the animal's life and by going to an animal shelter you are not supporting the cruelty at the puppy mills.

Currently, Congressman Glen Poshard and Senator Rick Santorum are working on a bill called the Poshard/Santorum letter. The letter will help put an end to the cruelty in puppy mills, but they need more senators and congressmen to sign on. Please: write to your senators and congressmen and ask them to sign on to the Poshard/Santorum letter. [If you have access to e-mail and you would like a list of senators' and congressmen's e-mail addresses, please e-mail to YelloVolvo@aol.com] ^


This article has 5 comments.

i love this so much!

on Jul. 8 2009 at 6:15 pm
RainCloudsLovePotions BRONZE, Harrison, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Puppy mills are one of the most wide-spread forms of animal abuse. Not only are the dogs bred until their bodies actually die, but they are normally malnurtured, never get vaccinated, and are in filthy conditions. More needs to be done about this, because the more puppies that are born in mills, the more animals with defects that can be painful or life threatning, will be either be put into shelters that cannot care for them, or be put down. They also will be bought by people who don't care for them. think about it - a person who's not going to care for an animal won't go through the process to get the dog they want. Good job on the article - I reall y like the points you raised.

PippinP GOLD said...
on May. 3 2009 at 11:38 pm
PippinP GOLD, Bolingbrook, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 67 comments

Favorite Quote:
Faith is like learning to walk; you have to fall at first, but don't stay down. When in doubt, don't stop believing.

If no one buys from the pet store, sure some dogs will go to shelters, but the puppy mills will have to close down. Eventually, those dogs from the pet stores will be adopted!

Good job! You should totally do another, but make it longer and with more feeling! It's easier to be upset about puppy mills if you feel bad for the pups through how someone writes it.

Good job!

on Feb. 27 2009 at 2:02 pm
Sad, but true, I think all people should read this and obey it.

appysrule said...
on Sep. 15 2008 at 1:28 pm
While all this is true, we have to think "What will happen to the puppies at the pet store?". I purchased a very wonderful Cairn Terrier at pet store that was probaly from a puppy mill. We have to think about the ones in the pet store because if nobody buys them, they will end up being put down or in a shelter. I disagree with the whole tought of puppy mills becuase they are terrible places, but still, if I had not got my puppy from the store, where might have he ended up?