Resolving Bullying | Teen Ink

Resolving Bullying

April 1, 2015
By Walter19 GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Walter19 GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

IT's common, but all too easy. Devious, micheivious, and in secret. At times, it can be considered a wrongdoing, or a simple act of misjudgemnet. Mistaken, bewildered, and one running straight through the wall. A common misconception can be taken as a joke or as a way to get people's respect. Aggravating, inconsistent, and never ending. A bully's world revolves in its dimension of opions, gossips and conceptuality. Brain teasing, mind tricks, and a play on words. But experience shows the true reality of the truth.


"The simple walk through this world as lower forms, as the strong strive forward to achieve."


Simple attacks, humorous terms, and psychological endeavours. Bullying is a way of spiking a reaction. It's used to make the one being picked on look like the bad guy.


"Times allude in the calls of those who wander in the midst of the storm."


The strom drags us all into its grasp. It can call you names, make fun of your appearance, or even take a shot at you if it feels like. Nothing hurting you more than a blow to the mind, body, and spirt.


Why so quiet today? What're you going to do about it? Yeah, thats what I thought, keep walking loser. You shouldn't even be here. Why don't you go back where you came from?


All shots were taken and fired upon a signal. Each one doing a specific amount of damage. But where there's a wound, there is someone there to fix it. Those would be the teachers and the students who care.


"Where there is a will ther's a way, and where there's a problem there is a savior."


Bullying might be a worldwide problem, but there are always people that rise above it. Through zerp tolerance, confrontation, and resolution it can be solved. Courage, bravery, and heart. That's what resides in the armor of the valiant.


"A knight awaits in the trove of the abyss, only to arise when a threat is cast upon his people."


"Speaking out and standing up creates a safe haven, where one day it shall disappear."

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