Zombie Road | Teen Ink

Zombie Road

March 14, 2018
By ejohnson BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
ejohnson BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, this is about Jimmy Dean and this story is how I survived the Zombie Road. It was the most tragic experience I’ve ever had.
It was July 4, 2003, It was a nice warm day. Kids running and playing in their yards and at the park. The swimming pool was packed and all the kids were having fun. Everyone was happy and was having a great Fourth of July.
“Hey Jimmy” said Carl.
“Hey Carl” said Jimmy.
“You want to ride our bikes down to the pool and go swimming for awhile?” asked Carl.
“Ya sure that sounds fun” said Jimmy.
So, we grabbed our bikes and started to ride to the pool and Jimmy said he knew a shortcut so we were heading for the short cut. Of course we live clear across town and there’s a little patch of trees that separates the town a little bit. Jimmy’s like it’s right there. As we get closer Carl was getting nervous about the short cut. 
Jimmy yelled out “there it is!”
Carl yelled “ok!”
So, Jimmy and Carl were riding through the trees and when when they got to the other side there was nobody on the streets playing. We stopped and started looking around. There were cars and bikes and trash all over the place. Nobody was around so we rode our bikes down the street real slow. There was a car horn going off and a lot of weird noises.

Carl and Jimmy were riding down the street and they started to talk about how there were some weird noises going on. They were freaked out a little bit about everything going on. They were also confused when nobody was around. They started to get scared.
“Carl what should we do?” asked Jimmy
“Idk, I’m scared” said Carl.
“Where do you think everyone is?” asked Carl.
“I have no clue” said Jimmy.
Well Carl and Jimmy kept going toward the pool thinking they would find someone. Then all of a sudden there was a loud noise from under them. They didn't know what was going on. They stopped! They both had wide eyes and were about to cry when all of a sudden the sewer lid in the street started to move.
¨Carl let's get out of here!” yelled Jimmy
¨I agree” yelled Carl!
Then here they came the zombies from the sewer. All the zombies were piling out of the sewer and started chasing them. Carl and Jimmy were pedaling there little hearts out. They were going as fast as they could down the streets. The zombies were gaining on them and they were giving it their all. Then just like that they heard a voice from the house down the street. It was Billy Long. Billy was yelling at them and told them to hurry up and get inside. Carl and Jimmy got to the house and they were glad to see Billy.
¨Hey guys” said Billy.
¨Hey¨ said Carl and Jimmy.

¨We got to get to the basement where we can get out of here.¨ said Billy
¨Alright let's go the zombies will be getting into the house fast¨ said Carl
¨We have an escape route in our basement. We can get out there.¨ said Billy
So the three boys went to Billy's basement and started moving things around. They were trying to get to the hole that Billys parents had made when there house was built incase something like this happened. The boys were moving chairs around and were trying to get to it. Then they heard a loud noise and windows break and the zombies were in the house.
¨There coming,¨ yelled Jimmy!
They finally got the lid off the hole to get in it. They all got in and started crawling and the time they got the lid shut the zombies were coming down the stairs. They crawled for 500 yards before they got to the other end. 
¨Where do we come out¨ asked Carl?
¨We come out at my grandma and grandpa's house.¨ said Billy
So Billy,Carl, and Jimmy crawled the whole thing and when they got to Billy´s grand parents house they got the lid off and crawled out. They looked out the window and they couldn't see any zombies. So they went into the garage and got in Billy`s grandfathers truck. Billy drove them out of the city and to the old cabin in the trees and they found all there parents.
There parents asked why they came out there and why they were so dirty. So Billy, Carl, and Jimmy all told the story the way it happened. All their parents were glad they were ok and glad to see that they can spend the Fourth of July together.
The End

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