Deep Depths, No Air | Teen Ink

Deep Depths, No Air

October 25, 2014
By Rae_Cobra GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
Rae_Cobra GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are destroying the world. We should fix it. We are killing our planet. We should revive it. We are not doing much to help the people. We should do more for the people. We are always fighting. We should try loving." -Rae Cobra

The dark water swirled around my head, twisting through my pale red hair. The sunlight barely touched this deep down. My lungs ached for air. The weight of my gear dragged me down. I struggled to get it off. I have to get it off or I’m going to drown! My brain screamed at my body. My air tank was dangerously low. Helplessly, I watched my air go lower, and knew it I was impotent to reach the surface. I knew that the deeper I sank, the closer I was to death.


Ω     Ω     Ω

Ok. Emergency regulator? Check. Diving lamp? Check. Knife? Check. air hose? Check. Backup light? I look into my dive bag and saw it lying on top. Check. I quickly go through it to make sure I had everything else. That’s when I saw that I was missing my air tank.

“Jacob?” I yell from downstairs. “Where did you put my tank when you went out with Jax?” I wait for his reply, but receive none. I yell again-even louder. Still no answer. I run loudly up the fifteen stairs, and hit Jake’s door with a loud THUD, THUD, THUD. Still no answer. I sigh loudly, and then open the door. Inside I see Jake lying on his bed, earphones in, playing some game called Black Shop? Or was it was it Crops? Maybe it was Cops? Honestly I don’t care, and don’t need to know. I walk over to my brother, pull out his earphones and say, “Jake, where is my air tank?”

“Oh, I don’t know Cass,” he said sarcastically. “Wherever you put it.” I grit my teeth in frustration, and look down at my diving watch. I was already twenty minutes late. Well crud.

“Jake! I know you used it yesterday when you went out with Jax. Now where did you put it?! I’m already twenty minutes late!” I ball my hands into fits, ready to punch my brother.
“Ok, ok. Chill out. It’s on the porch, by the couch. Sheesh little sis. Now can I go back to my game?” I glare at him before walking out of his room and slamming his door.

Ω     Ω     Ω

By the time I arrived at the dock, Kaitlyn, Colby, and Trevor were already gearing up the 2007 Delta 32’ Boat. Trevor waved when he saw me, and I waved back, running towards them. When I finally reached them, all I did was throw my bag on the boat, and jumped in.
“Hey Cassie,” Kaitlyn said cheerfully. Her smile causing small, cute dimples. Her eyes were warm hazel today, and her silvery blond-brown hair was caught in the soft wind. She was sitting at the port side of the boat, holding on to the rail.
“Hi Kate,” I say, smiling back at her. “Sorry I’m late. My brother borrowed my tank, and never gave it back.” I move to sit down next to Kaitlyn.
“Naw, it’s fine.” Colby said, while he checked the motor. “We were sorta late too.” By the ‘we’, he was referring to himself and Kaitlyn–their siblings, Colby eighteen and Kaitlyn sixteen.
"'Sides,” Trevor said from the starboard side. “We would already be gone, even if you were late.” He give me one of his sly grins.

“Shut up.” I say playfully, before sitting down. “Let’s go. I want to be back before noon.”
“Got everything Cass? Cause once we leave, we ain’t going to turn back.” Colby informed me.
“Dude! I checked like far more than I should whenever I go diving. Now how about we take off? It’s nine o’clock already.” Colby turned on the motor, and we slowly took off from the dock. Within a few minutes we were far out in the sea, the wind howling through our hair, and being showered with the salty water.
“Where are we going?” I shout over the noise. “The reef? Or farther down the coastline?”
“Neither.” Trevor yelled. “We’re going to a new place. Somewhere by that shipwreck we went to the other time.” I don’t bother replying. I remembered that one. That was the place where we saw dolphins. I let my brain wonder, until Colby slowed the boat, and we steadily came to a halt. I looked down at my watch. It turned out that it didn’t take as long as it felt. Once the flag was up, and the anchor was lowered, Colby started getting everybodies dive bags out from under the seats. I grabbed my bag, and quickly put on my gear over my wet suit. Once everyone was geared up, we all flipped of the ship into the chilled sea.

Ω     Ω     Ω

The dark depths swallowed me up as I struggled for the surface. The weight of the water crushing the breath out of me. My body slowly weakened, while my brain swirled with thoughts. I knew I was going to die. The darkness was close. I gave up, closed my eyes, mouthing my last goodbyes hanging on my lips.


I woke up silently. The dream felt like it was happening that very moment. I quickly glance around my dim room. The soft blue glow of my clock told me it was almost four in the morning. I wonder why the dream felt so real.

The author's comments:

If you have time, please comment and give me some suggestions on how the story should go on!



-Rae Cobra

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This article has 4 comments.

Rae_Cobra GOLD said...
on Nov. 10 2014 at 9:43 am
Rae_Cobra GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are destroying the world. We should fix it. We are killing our planet. We should revive it. We are not doing much to help the people. We should do more for the people. We are always fighting. We should try loving." -Rae Cobra

I tried my best to make it feel like the reader was actually there. I guess it paid off! ;)   Thanks again for reading my article! -Rae C.

Rae_Cobra GOLD said...
on Nov. 10 2014 at 9:42 am
Rae_Cobra GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are destroying the world. We should fix it. We are killing our planet. We should revive it. We are not doing much to help the people. We should do more for the people. We are always fighting. We should try loving." -Rae Cobra

Thanks so much! Could you give me the link to your story?   -Rae

Lainah BRONZE said...
on Nov. 8 2014 at 9:41 am
Lainah BRONZE, Lahore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. ( conficous )

I loved the starting. It was if I was experiencing it for real!

on Nov. 7 2014 at 2:48 pm
GirlGenius SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
The question for today is* : If you could solve any world crisis right now, what would it be?
(*-GirlGenius's favorite quote)

I love how you started off the story. Unbelievable. Check out my story in the Historical Fiction section, Incaged sometime! Maybe we can chat together.