We're Not Out Of The Woods Yet | Teen Ink

We're Not Out Of The Woods Yet

May 26, 2014
By BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

It will be twelve months in exactly one hour and fifty five seconds; that’s three hundred and sixty four days ago since the day I first laid eyes on her.

The heat radiated from the midday sun like our small town was a sauna in the middle of a desert; it glared down, consuming us all with its rays. I looked down from admiring the beautifully clear sky catching her in my gaze as she crossed the street. She was glowing as she strode along in her flowery dress, her skin looked so smooth and soft it deflected the rays of the sun with her own graceful radiance.
I had planned to leave the coffee shop I was sat in, but I could not help but remain seated, my eyes following her. Bemused by my sudden fascination, I sympathised with myself that it was surely natural. Any man could not help but stare at such an angelic creature. She was dainty and bubbly, bouncing and full of joy despite the exhausting heat. She wandered into the hairdressers across from me as I peaked over my newspaper from my window seat. To my fortune she was sat down by the window. I could not help but gently sigh as she relaxed into the seat with such calmness and purity, just watching her was soothing itself.
I often glanced over my glass as I sipped, gazing with intent to find her through the gaps in the pedestrians as they walked on by. I was sat there for over an hour, and it felt like an eternity. My blood was rushing around and around. I almost felt dizzy; light headed with sweaty palms. It was never a good sign in this weather, but then, it could have been nerves.

Just one more hour, that was all I asked, that was all I prayed for. Just one more hour, to say that I had a relationship that lasted a whole year. We were so nearly there, she did not realise how much it meant to me. She did not realise how much she meant to me.

My youth was never to be one of love or joy, it was painful and loveless, and every relationship died in an instant. Only as I reached maturity did I finally start to meet my kind of girls. Even then, it just never seemed to last; but this one, she was special. I could tell from the moment I laid eyes on her.

I remember how my heart raced as she walked towards me. She merely walked into the coffee shop, but it was enough to rattle my throbbing heart inside of my rib cage. She was stunning, wearing her new and fresh hanging blonde hair with long twists and curls that bounced as she walked; it was almost the cherry on top of the purest vanilla dessert. My teeth clenched, tensing to hold onto my jaw, preventing me from gawping and drawling. Everything about her just seemed to glow, like the heavens had opened to send a ray of light down to guide me to her. The cherubs lifted me, holding me up on my shaking legs as they walked me towards the queue she had joined. As I approached her I felt cupid hovering above me. I prayed for their help to continue as I reached out to her. She turned! She was smiling at me. My heart had completely melted. The cherubs had left me though, abandoning me in my time of need.
Looking back on that day I must have seemed like some sort of stranger who mumbled a lot. Alas, here we are today; even if it is to end.

She was going to go; move away and leave me behind. Her career was taking her to new places, for a new life, for new adventures and excitement! The only cost was me.
I felt betrayed. It was a week ago I found out, and she had already finalised all of her arrangements, her mind was very clearly made. I could not stop her.

I drove her out to the woods for our final date, our final farewell and goodbye. I helped her out of the car and we wandered slowly into the woods. It was just like the day we had met, the weather was wonderful with the clouds gone and the sun high in the sky. I had a good feeling about this day, it was going to be memorable. Although I knew it was to be our last, I could not help but smile at the moments we shared. It was a tiring walk as we went deep into the forest, loosing site of the car completely. We were on the outskirts of town and nobody would find us, it was ever so peaceful, naturally adding to the romance.
On top of the forests peak you could see our local town and how it stretched across in its glowing glory. We sat there on the hill for half an hour just staring out at the view, watching the sun disappear from the day as night closed in around us. As our time came to part I took her back, heading towards the car, but my emotions were getting the better of me. I wiped my face as the tears began to roll down my cheeks. My stomach ached and churned as the moment came. I had to say goodbye at some point, but at least I could still stall for time. Just a little longer to see my love.
I had us sat down in the dirt and earth beneath us; she was still so beautiful, so young and fresh. Her body was so free, her limbs loose and elegant, but I could see how it hurt her to see my pain. Her skin was cold and pale as the cold of night swept through the woods. Her head was bowed unable to look at me, whether it was because of the fear of leaving or hurting me, I do not know; I just held her face and tilted her head back up from her chin. I looked into those cute shining brown eyes as she did so to me. We were just sat there, innocently staring, but we were at peace, alone and in the tranquillity of the woods where no one could disturb us. Time seemed to drift by. My stall had worked, but it could only last so long.

Two more minutes, then I would have achieved my ambition. Two more minutes and I can be free of my torment for endlessly failing in my relationships.
We sat there, and I thought of how we had spent the past twelve months. I remember the late nights out as we walked back to your house. I remembered how I would climb up to meet you at your window. I remember how I would stand outside waiting for you, come rain or shine. I remember the days out we had in town, at the cinema or going out to eat. Those times were so magical, and I would never forget them.
The time had come. I whimpered and started muttering to her under my chocked up voice "Goodbye my love, I cannot bear to see you go, to leave and turn your back on me forever, but you must. Go and be free. Go where you belong. Goodbye. Goodbye my sweet, sweet angel."
I held her head softly and leaned in to kiss her forehead. I could not bring myself to touch her lips, for I would fear her suffocation as I would never let go. For her sake, I had to let go. I had to. I stood up and let her hands go. “Goodnight my love.” Her head rolled back with her hair dangling. Her body followed as her weight pulled her back. She fell backwards laying down into the pit we were sat it. Her cold pale corpse laid in her amateurishly dug grave. Slowly I began to shovel the earth on top of her as I recited words of prayer and good will. At least it was a peaceful send off.
I was proud of my achievement, we had made it to that one special day, it was our anniversary and finally I was free of my curse to ruin my relationships. I had finally had a long term relationship. Now nothing can get in the way of my happiness!

I walked back to the car, placing the shovel in the boot from where I had helped her out. The drive back was sad, but happy as well. I knew I had done the right thing, letting her go like that. My angel was just too good for me. She was too good for anyone.

I wandered into the apartment pleased with my accomplishments. I was proud that I could let her go. I will never see her again, but for her sake and her future I had to let her go. I sat down in my armchair staring at the large wall with a massive collage of photos and mementos as wallpaper. I could remember where each came from. It all spanned over the past year, detailing every event and memory.
I remembered the late nights I followed her home. I remembered what she used to do in her own apartment as I peered through her window. I remember how I used to stand outside just waiting to see a glimpse of her. I remember how I followed her to see the same films, to eat the same food, to buy the same clothes. Then she tore it all away from me!
I overheard her excitement on the phone as she organised the tickets to move far away. Her apartment was already being filled with boxes; her possessions hidden from the world and confined to claustrophobia. My heart was in pieces. She didn’t even tell me about it!

My relationship was over. She was at peace, and so was I. At last I was free from my inability to maintain a relationship. I sat in that same coffee shop with a smug grin on my face. I was gleaming in my own pride when suddenly the heavens opened once more and a beautiful perky young creature walked in. She was bubbly and joyful with a twinkle in her eye. I walked up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder. I struggled for words, but she turned and smiled at me; she must surely be the one for me.

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This article has 17 comments.

on Oct. 28 2014 at 4:22 pm
Creative-Writer BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
We know what we are, but know not what we may be. -William Shakespeare

Wonderful!  In the beginning I didn't realize where it all was going.  your word choice was near perfect, and I could see your story playing itself in my head.  I loved it!  Once I bagan getting into the story, I couldn't pull myself out of the vivid descriptons.  Wonderfully written!

on Oct. 10 2014 at 10:31 am
Extraterrestrial SILVER, Singapore, Other
9 articles 4 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it's a plan!"

Ooh, that was downright creepy. And I mean that in the best way possible. Great use of description and imagery -- the girl positively radiates innocence and purity, which is probably what attracted your character to her in the first place... I have to say, I knew from the start that he'd kill the girl (a story like this -- where else can it go, really, besides murder?). What makes this story fascinating is how you've managed to delve into the mind of a psychologically / mentally ill person. I love how you made your character rationalize his decision to "let her go", then turned it around and somehow made him the victim instead. "I will never see her again, but for her sake and her future I had to let her go"... man, that is brilliant. You've portrayed the character of a mentally deranged yet determined person very well. A few mistakes scattered here and there, just missing cases of punctuation, mostly. Nevertheless, well done! This is a disturbingly entertaining read.

on Oct. 8 2014 at 7:37 am
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Thanks a lot :D and yeah, I knew there were a couple of errors, but I have edited it since so I am pretty sure I got them. I am glad you enjoyed it. 

on Oct. 4 2014 at 7:45 am
Icithra PLATINUM, Arlington, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
The wastebasket is a writer's best friend. ~Isaac Bashevis Singer

That was really, really good, even better than Shivers. The story flowed nicely, and it kept me enthralled and sympathetic towards the narrator. Great job. There was a couple of spelling errors though, like Chocked instead of Choked. Really nice work. And an amazing twist!

on Jul. 13 2014 at 6:52 am
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Defintiley, but it shows that we have improved and can edit it to make it better, or just rewrite the entire thing. And well I want to get published one day, but we shall see, I need to finish them first.

on Jul. 12 2014 at 3:39 pm
Olivia-Atlet ELITE, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
325 articles 10 photos 1165 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To these the past hath its phantoms,
More real than solid earth;
And to these death does not mean decay,
But only another birth"
- Isabella Banks

Cool! I can't wait to resd them once they're published. :) And I know the feeling of reading something you wrote a LONG time agi, and thinking; I actually wrote this? On prupoe? lol, yeah I'm editing a book I wrote in fifth grade,and it hurts a little. XD

on Jul. 11 2014 at 7:44 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Haha, thanks :D I'm glad you enjoyed it

on Jul. 11 2014 at 3:59 pm
WOW!!!!  This is just amazing! Wonderful twist and writing style ;D 5/5 I loved the last eerie bit about the 'new girl' 

on Jul. 11 2014 at 6:51 am
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

I can tell by the way you comment on it haha. Well I am currently editing half of a novel that I wrote a little while ago, with the intention of finishing it off over the summer. I also have a complete novel written out, but it needs a lot of editing as I started it at the end of 2008 and its safe to say the writing style in that is... embarrasing. So I have started rewriting that a while back so I will be doing that too at some point. However novels are a lot less intense. With short stories you focus all your energy into quick descriptions that are powerful and effective, because the story is so short, you have to make the writing more concentrated to make it as effective, whereas novels are longer and you can take your time to develop the characters and plot etc. Thats why I find it best to write short stories first, so you can get used to describing in a more effective manner, before writing a whole book. Your writing style will obviously change because of this, otherwise you will spend 90% of your book describing every single detail, if you see what I mean. I doubt I will post them on here, as I may look to publish them at some point, but we shall see. :)

on Jul. 10 2014 at 7:04 pm
Olivia-Atlet ELITE, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
325 articles 10 photos 1165 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To these the past hath its phantoms,
More real than solid earth;
And to these death does not mean decay,
But only another birth"
- Isabella Banks

I was truly blown away, and yes, I can see why your girlfriend is a little worried lol. That means you're a good writer, and that your work has affects on people. :) I hope you finish a novel soon so I can recoomend it, your writing style is just...Out of this world! Thank you for sharing your creativity with the world, it truly inspires me to be just like you :)

on Jul. 10 2014 at 4:41 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Thanks, I am known among my friends for a twisted imagination and horrifying plot twists, and I love it, but they do worry about me (and as you can imagine, so does my girlfriend haha). I wanted him to seem a little strange at first, but then reasure the reader that he has just been unlucky in love making him shy and awkward. Then by the end they realise that his twisted mind interpretates relationships in the wrong way due to his desperation, and eventually leading to the obvious. I'm glad it actually worked. Most people just read it thinking that it is really soppy, not realising my true writing style until the end. And oh don't worry, I'm not planning to stop. Its people like you who have reactions like that, that will always spur me on.

on Jul. 9 2014 at 6:54 pm
Olivia-Atlet ELITE, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
325 articles 10 photos 1165 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To these the past hath its phantoms,
More real than solid earth;
And to these death does not mean decay,
But only another birth"
- Isabella Banks

I completely loved this story! It was excellently written, the lpot was great, and you used vivid imagery in everything you described! Wow..just wow, I'm utterly blown away! I expected him to kill her in the beginning, but then you lulled me into a false sense of security, and then write when i wasn't looking...BAM! She's dead! I cannot express how awed I am! Bravo!!!!   NEVER STOP WRITING!!! CX

on Jun. 16 2014 at 5:32 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Thanks :D Glad you enjoyed it!

on Jun. 7 2014 at 6:41 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Haha, wow! Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot. This has been one of my more successful pieces, and one which my friends often refer to. I am glad you enjoyed it as much as they did. Recently I have developed more of an ability to add twists to my stories (I.e. Shivers/Just a Cold). And well I did not add all of the details, I just made sure to make it sound like it was the obvious but if you re-read it, you can easily see that you misinterpreted it at first (i.e. helping out of the car, was actually helping her body out of the boot etc.). I like to give the reader something to imagine as well, as I leave the killing to their own opinions, but yes choking is a good suggestion and very possible. Thanks again for the comment and the rating :D

on Jun. 7 2014 at 10:54 am
WinterRose76 SILVER, Ok., Florida
6 articles 6 photos 183 comments

Favorite Quote:
Arise and be all that you dream - Flyleaf

Whoa...I thought I had this story figured out at the beginning, but I was wayyy off! I was not expecting your story to take such a dark turn! I was engaged the entire time, and I loved the creepy twist. I was alittle confused though about how the girl died. I'm guessing he choked her? You're a crazy good writer and I look forward to reading more of your work! 5/5

taybug24! said...
on Jun. 3 2014 at 2:51 pm
Wow that was very creepy but so good too! You couldn't see the twist coming and it sent chills up my spine!

on May. 29 2014 at 4:01 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

Please comment and rate, all feedback is appreciated :D