Kissed by the Devil | Teen Ink

Kissed by the Devil

November 15, 2013
By JadeWolf GOLD, Centralia, Washington
JadeWolf GOLD, Centralia, Washington
10 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All's fair in love and war." Leo Tolstoy

I am unlovable. Wherever I go my path behind me is filled with chaos. I am cursed, doomed for eternity, to watch others suffer at my hand. It was all because of that one stupid thing!
The day I had been born was a…eventful one. My parents were over thrilled, that I had come into this world. Their first daughter, their only family. As they held me in there arms, all whinny and ugly, they did not care, they only saw what I was to be.
They took me home, and sang me to sleep. As I lay in my crib, fast asleep, a terrible creature lurked in the shadows of my room. He came up to my crib, and lifted me out of it gently, his black robe wrapping around my body. His grasp was cold as ice, and filled me with an eminent amount of sorrow. I naturally had the instinct to cry.
When he spoke it was like he had swallowed gravel, and contained so much pain, and hatred. “Natora,” As soon as he had said the name my parents had given me, I did not want to cry. He smiled at my obedience, his yellow teeth visible in the dark room. “I come her tonight, for you have been born on June 6th 1966 or my favorite way of saying it 6/6/66.” His eyes filled with evil pleasure. I shuttered and it seamed he could sense my fear for he laughed. It was filled with darkness. “Yes child, the devils favorite number.” He chuckled from deep inside his chest, making my whole body shake. “I am the Devil, and you my dear are just what I need. Since you have been born on the blackest of days, God will never accept you into his holy land.” His long red tongue snaked out of his mouth, like serpents would. “But, since you are born in the most spiteful of manners, I will make it evermore sinister!” He bent down to my face and kissed the top of my forehead, his red lips felt like sandpaper across my baby smooth skin. My whole body burned and ached, it felt as though I was thrown into the deepest pits of hell, and left there to burn. Yet the Devil would not yet release me from my silent trap. “I have gifted you with destruction, when you scream the earth itself with quake, when you cry it will flood, when you are angry Hell itself will open up its deepest pits and those around you will be cast aside in it. The rest is for you to decide. I gift you with such great power and use it to mark all with the Devils sign.” He set me back down in my crib, and went to my window, which suddenly swung open by a gust of wind.
Sadly, just before he left he turned around and looked at me. “I will see you once a year on this very day.” He paused considering something. “And maybe…I might just bring more presents on the ones containing 6.” He then left. His tail chasing behind him, then he was gone, for now…

I walk the streets of Seattle alone, not afraid of what the world has cast upon me. For, I have been hurt, so terribly and those around me suffer worse then I. I had fallen in love once you know. It was with my 5th family and I was a 10th grader. Oh man was he gorgeous. Tall, muscular, blond, blue, eyes, an average dream boy… but that’s not why I loved him, I loved him for his heart. After school he would always goes to the orphanage and care for them. Were he was a football player (quarter back I might add) he was not arrogant or selfish. I had trouble in school, always distracted from the curse… so he often would drop what he was up to and help me. Oh did the hot cheerleaders hate me. They’d trip me in the hall, call me names, and one time bet me up. Well, they did not expect the nightmare that was coming there way. The leader of the group had warts on her face, and eventually died of heart failure! Oh god… I really am evil, but its not lie I didn’t know that.
I’m getting off topic, anyway. The other girls would often act dumb and say they needed help, but Derek (for that is his name) would see right through their mask of beauty and deception. He’d tell them to go find some other guy to help them “Try the nerds,” he always said, “I’m sure they’d be glad to help!” Off they went, fuming like the Devil. (This by the way is not a pretty sight.)
As time passed Derek and I grew closer and closer. We graduated High school, and as they called up his name to stand and say a few words, he got down on one knee and said, “Natora, Will you marry me?”
I was stunned, speechless and as the crowd looked at me, I ran to him and plowed him down in my arms. Yes! Yes! I remembered screaming.
As we left the stage, hand in hand. I saw a red figure in the shadows of the trees. It was the devil, smiling, his eyes squinted like he had a sinful plan going through that twisted head.
We eventually had children, two beautiful twins: Artemis, and Apollo. Derek and I thought it was only fitting. They fought like any other brother and sister but they still loved each other. I was happily married, had 2 children and life actually seemed…good. Until the year of 1996.
It was Christmas time, and we were just getting back from my mother-in-law’s Christmas party. The roads were slippery, and the snow was firing down on our car. It all happened so fast… I didn’t know what happened until I woke up with the car upside down. Derek’s throat had glass logged in it, and was gushing out blood. He was gasping for air, and had his hand where the gash was. I tried to cover up his wound with my hand, but it did not stop the blooding from coming. He smiled at me the best he could and took my hand in his and we held each other. He kept on the happy face the longest he could. A single tear rolled down his cheek, my lip quiver and I exploded in a silent sob fest. He mouth the words “I love you,” I replied and put on a smile sorrowful smirk, “I love you to,” Then his eyes went blank, and his touch went ice cold. He dropped his arm, and his body lay limp. I knew that Death had taken his south.
Everything hit me in a sudden rush, “I was in a car accent! Oh my god! What is this?!” I looked down- or more like up at me. My right foot was twisted all the way around, and my head was bleeding. The children! That hit my mind and I went into mama beast mode. I looked back and I saw Artemis’s bone sticking out of her arm. She seemed to be unconscious, and the red liquid slowly poured out of her mouth. Apollo seemed to be no better, he managed to unbuckle the seat belt, but it ended up wrapping around his neck. I unbuckled my own and crawled to the back. I first unwound my son then unbuckled my daughter.
Since Apollo was conscious I told him to get out of the car. He got out of the right window and I got out the left. I ran ahead to get Artemis to safety.
“MOM!” I heard Apollo’s scream from behind me and as I feared Apollo was still back their. His leg seemed to be logged in the windows glass. I set Artemis down and ran back toward him. A bone chilling explosion erupted into the hectic night. Fire completely covered my car, it had exploded. The power of the blast knocked me back a good 20 feet, and I fell on my head, to the ground. As I was about to black out, I saw the bright color of flames, and my son and husbands guts, skin, and blood rain onto the road.

I woke up in a hospital 3 days later and the doctor’s said I was lucky to be alive. Artemis was not to be so lucky. She died in the hospital the night of the crash. Her wounds were internal, I was told, and there was nothing that could be done… The sad part was I never got to say goodbye. It was all could that god darn freaking curse! It did this to be and because of that I could never be happy.

Present day November 15, 2013: I am 47 now and I don’t look a day older then 16. This was also the gift the Devil himself had given me on my 16th Birth-day, eternal youth. So I may forever wreak havoc on those that surround me. So, I continued to walk, forever, never truly knowing happiness. To forever create chaos and be the Devils right hand.
So, if you see a beautiful girl, sitting in the back of the classroom; looking lonely, and having pain in her heart. Do not go near her, for it probably is me and if you knew me you would meet a terrible fate. For I have been kissed by the Devil.

The author's comments:
A lot of people loved my article "Death comes in any different forms" so I thought I should write, a dark, and a deep short story, again. I hope you like it... or at least think this is sad.

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