the long walk home | Teen Ink

the long walk home

March 4, 2018
By HalieHastie BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
HalieHastie BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

on the way home from school the main character runs into the character from her beloved book

Chapter 1: the long beginning

Today had been no different than yesterday, or the day before, or even the day before that. I woke up and dragged myself to school like the rest of the kids in the junior class of 2018.
School was hell for me, I couldn’t wait to get home every afternoon and dive back into the world of the royal family, faeries, and glamour. I lived for adventure, tromping through the Briars looking for another trod, running for my life from goblins in the wyldwood, and falling in love with the youngest winter prince on a quest to save a loved one. 
I was fantasizing the perfect icy kiss when the bell rang snapping me out of my haze. Quickly I gathered my things and half walked, half ran out the door.
The warm sunlight hit my face and I twirled with my arms outstretched letting the rays touch every part of my body. This was summer glamour in my head. Giddy and anxious to get home I focused my brain and started off towards home.
I was thinking about how the winter prince had just kissed the main character out of nowhere when out of the corner of my eye I saw him. The winter prince, across the street in the trees watching me. In sudden observancy, I looked back to see again what I had just seen, but there was nothing there. It has seemed that I let my imagination get the best of me. 
Confused and hoping I had really seen what I thought I had, I tried my best to hurry home. If this was really happening then “the book” had a lot of explaining to do.
Head down hurrying on my way I approached the corner at the same time as another. Focused on getting home I didn’t slow and the next thing I knew I was on the ground apologizing to whoever I had just run into.
I looked up, to my surprise, to find the winter prince. He held his hand out to me
  “Hurry, we don’t have time for introductions”
I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet, only he didn’t let go. Knowing this could only mean one thing I asked
“Where are we going”?
In his deep brooding yet determined voice, he answered “Home”.
I died a little on the inside. This was so much better than reading, but then it hit me. This was going to be a very long walk home.

The author's comments:

its personal

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