Red is Dead? | Teen Ink

Red is Dead?

January 17, 2017
By Deathstroke9976 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
Deathstroke9976 SILVER, Bangor, Maine
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold winter morning and Little Red Riding Hood was walking in the woods trying to get to her grandmother’s house. 

As Red was walking through the deep snow, she heard a noise.  Red looked around and didn’t see anything, so she just kept walking.  She was about to arrive at her grandmother’s house when something tackled her to the ground. 

Red turned around and saw it was huge wolf. The wolf had black fur, long claws that looked like knives, huge fangs, and eyes as red as blood. 

Before Red could get away, the wolf jumped towards her and started biting her.  Red screamed and screamed and it echoed through the woods, but then the screaming stopped.  Silence was all you could hear.

A few miles behind her location, Red’s lover, The Huntsman, was running to find Red.  He was running, trying to get to Red, because he was worried after hearing the screaming.  He stopped all of a sudden when he noticed something on the snow.  He walked towards Red, tears coming out of his eyes.  He noticed Red’s locket was on the ground.  He grabbed it and held it to his chest crying.  All he saw was blood on the snow and Red’s half-eaten body. 

The Huntsman was so upset that Red was dead, he decided to look for the killer and avenge her.  He noticed pawprints and saw that it was a wolf.

He followed the tracks and saw that the wolf was walking towards his den.  The Huntsman got his sword out and swung it towards the creature.  The animal howled at the pain but wasn’t dead.  The wolf went to attack the Huntsman, but luckily, it wasn’t the winner.

The Huntsman got his shotgun out and shot the wolf’s head clean off with one shell. 

The Huntsman was happy to have avenged Red and killed the wolf to protect anyone else who walked in the woods… or so he thought.

As the Huntsman was walking off, something grabbed his legs, bit him, and dragged him to the ground. He was yelling, with fear in his eyes, being dragged away into the night.  Al that the huntsman could see were bloody red eyes, and white, shiny, sharp teeth.

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