What Am I? | Teen Ink

What Am I?

April 14, 2015
By KaitlynB SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
KaitlynB SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sight-A human during the day can cast a horrific night scene.  During the day it is docile and calm; the creature longs for a compatible and compassionate companion.  Then the night comes and takes a new form.  The depth of a mind so tarnished by hate and anger of itself; the blackness of the whole it falls deeper in.  Its movement is swift as it dances through the trees; showing its agility to no one but the faint moonlight.  It slinks on all fours waiting to be seen as pure by another living soul.
Touch-The beginning feels as though the heat radiating from its body is from the sun.  As the night continues its skin is plagued with a thick furry coat.  Unknown to the world the pain it feels when people run in terror; the eyes of the creature shine and blur with moist tears.  It wants to be given care but cannot receive this wish till morning’s light again shines over the horizon.  The heat of the creature fades into a warm as the golden sun rises over the trees.  It can then return to the once tender people it knows, though they are the same as the ones whom scream and run.
Sound-The gnarling and snarling from the creature’s teeth as it defends itself from the rallying people is deafening to the ears.  It turns and hastens from the hideously harmful cackling from the crowds.  When far enough away it whimpers and bellows to the moon so it hears it’s sorrowful story. 
Smell-It smells like the fresh pinewood that it runs through in the shadows of the night.  It carries the bittersweet sorrowful smell of the unwanted death.  It longs to smell the freedom of guilt and sweet surrender from its servant hood to the moon.
Taste-The gashes and scratches that the creature gives taste of blood.  The foul taste of a metallic substance sends slithering shivers up and down the creature’s spine.  It wants to taste the untouched generosity and acceptance from someone who will treat him with respect.  It wants to have someone to see him as he is not what he is, he wants just a sliver of happiness to hold onto before he gives way to the blood thirsty beast inside him.  The beast is out for blood; the taste of revenge, hate, pain, and repulsion to the pitchforks and torches used against him.

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