The Wanderer | Teen Ink

The Wanderer

December 15, 2014
By Mystery2000 SILVER, Weiser, Idaho
Mystery2000 SILVER, Weiser, Idaho
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you
-Benjamin Franklin

It was gonna be another lame day at school I could feel it. Everybody looked at me as the town freak because of my estranged older brother. Long story short he went crazy and was taken to the looney bin. I asked my mother why we never went to see him, and she simply replied with “We just don’t have any time.” Thats the whole reason how I ended up in that mess in the first place. so, here is what happened. I decided to ditch school that day and go visit my brother. The whole way there something felt off, almost as if I was being watched. I was completely clueless about where I was going because this place wasn’t even on google. It felt like I drove for hours until I neared this building. The building looked inhuman it was tall and an ugly shade of brown. Weird words were written all over the out, and a dust covered sign read:
Marcus Preston’s School for the Mentally Insane
I walked cautiously into the building, because I still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Inside I expecting to see a mess of spiderwebs and poorly treated patients. But, I was amazed to walk into a building that was insanely-- how ironic-- clean. Patient wore clean pure black hospital gowns that looked nicer than the close I was  wearing. I walked up to the secretary's desk and politely asked if they knew a Jake Keller. The secretary looked up and smiled
“Of course I do, and who are you” she said with a squeaky voice
I calmly replied with “ I’m his brother Dean Keller”
“Oh of course Jake talks alot about you”
“He does?”
“Yes he says you were his best friend before he was sent here, he would always say you would come back to him one day, and get him out”
“ Umm, can I get his room number”
“Of course, his room number is 405 on the 15th floor”
I walked up to the elevator where a wave of people tried to cram themselves into one elevator. I was stuffed into the corner of an elevator, but still managed to press the button to floor 15. After what felt like 2 hours I finally made it. I stepped off the elevator, and began moving towards room 405. I was about to turn a corner when a door caught my eye. The door was round and the handle was on the top. It was painting with the same strange writing as the outside of the building. Well I grew up the saying “curiosity killed the cat” and I should of have listened because when I opened the door I found myself in a dark room.
I stood in an long dark hallway. Out of the corner of my eye I saw quick pulses of light, but they faded almost as fast. shivering in my pocket was a tiny fairy-like creature. It had deep black eyes, and a shiny metallic body. It had violet hair that glowed in the dark, and too long pointed ears jutted out from it's tiny little head. I had found her laying on the ground at the brink of death. I didn't know where I was nor did the faery. I didn't even know if it could talk. As I continued walking down the hallway I began to realize: I had been walking for 3 hours and everything looked the same. A little sneeze came from my pocket.The fairy had stopped shivering, but she still looked sickly. Everything was quiet, a little too quiet. Then in the bat of an eye monstrous fairies poured out of the mysterious walls
"we are here for the fairy.” A warthog looking thing came forward.¨
¨wh-what will you do to her.¨ I asked
¨She is a traitor she, she will be punished¨
a second creature stepped forward, but it just wasn’t same. It had a red face and a shiny blue body.
¨Give us the fairy¨ it spoke in a deep voice, ¨or you too will be punished¨
What I presumed was the leader stepped forward.
¨Give us Thistle Now¨
" No¨ I said softly ¨No one is going to take Thistle away from me"
That was last time I was free. All that I can remember is walking into a door and waking up in a hospital bed wearing one of those solid black gowns. Laying next to me was my brother, and on the wall closest to me was a hand drawn picture of small fairy with deep black eyes, a shiny metallic body, and long violet hair.

The author's comments:

THe book the Lost Prince by JUlie Kagawa inspired me to write this story

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