The Attack | Teen Ink

The Attack

April 23, 2013
By OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
OVER90000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever looked up at the stars at night, and wondered what goes on up there? well I myself like to think there are aliens up there duking it out for control of the galaxy. you see the galaxy is a lot like the streets of LA its a nasty, dangerous town. On one side you have the Zorg 3, and on the other side you have the Pluto Banditos. One has never witnessed such hatred until he’s seen these two gangs fight. The Pluto Banditos are the most vicious space gang, the space police has seen since the days of the Robot Mafia and their horrendous rule of the moon. Ever seen a shooting star? You wish that was what was a shooting star. They are actually high speed space car chases. The Zorg 3 might not be the fiercest gang in the milky way, but they are the fastest! They are galaxy renown for their space cars, their prize piece, the key to their space race dominance is the Turbulon 5000. With a Tungsten Carbide frame, and a ten million space horse nuclear reactor. It can go four times the speed of light, but who could forget the galaxies most revered hero. Space Chuck Norris, he’s like earth Chuck Norris but his power levels are over 9000! And that my friends is the reason why the night sky is such a magical place.

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