Beauty's Burden | Teen Ink

Beauty's Burden

July 23, 2024
By vidyaalav BRONZE, West Fargo, North Dakota
vidyaalav BRONZE, West Fargo, North Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You can’t hope for a different ending by re-reading the same book. So why try to make the same mistakes in hope for a different outcome?” -me trynna remember the exact quote 😅

They say that the devil always lies. 

I wish I had listened to that. Unfortunately, my self-esteem was non-existent, much like my social life. Social media’s endless stream of perfect faces deepened my self-loathing. 

But finally, I found a solution: RitualRites. An app very similar to Reddit, this app focuses on sharing arcane rituals. From talking to the dead, to what I sought—eternal beauty—was possible. And that was exactly what I was going to do. 

I gathered the materials that were required: a mirror and tarot cards. Sitting in the void of darkness in my room, I placed the cards and mirror in front of me. With the ring light turned on, it casted an unflattering glow on my face. I snicker, last time seeing this hideous face. 

I placed the tarot cards in front of me and drew five cards like the user on RitualRites had said. These cards let me choose what I change about myself. My mental or physical beauty. The five cards I pulled out were: Devil, Death, Tower, Five and Seven of Swords. No…There’s no way. Hands trembling with fear, I drop the stack of cards onto the floor, my heart sinking as well. 

User-KnightBlade7: When drawing the cards, if you draw the DTS—devil, death, tower, and sword cards — all at once, it’s no longer your choice. 

“Beautiful, the infamous DTS,” a smooth, velvety voice echoed behind me. All my senses awaken and I feel the sudden change in temperature. Goosebumps prickled up on my skin as I remained frozen in fear. My eyes carefully wander to the mirror positioned to reveal the secrets hidden behind me. Just darkness. The fear of the unknown washed over me as my heart threatened to break loose from my chest. 

He chuckled, “Do not fret, I’m not here to end your little adventure so soon. No, I’m feeling rather...generous today. That saying ‘The devil always lies’, such a crude generalization, no? Let’s make a deal, love.” That subtle yet menacing chuckle depicted the power he held. “But the cards…” I muster out, my voice barely audible.

 “You’ve drawn quite the hand, Anastasia. ” 


We made a deal I regret. If you’re reading this post on RitualRites, I beg of you: delete it. As I type this, my skin has grotesque bubbles forming with oozing yellow liquid and my hair falling out in lumps with my inflamed scalp. I kept up my end of the deal. Every month on the 6th, I had to make sure someone would do this ritual. A soul for him to devour means eternal beauty for me.  Nevertheless, I never got the life I wanted; every friend I made became a victim of his life: a meaningless soul for me to survive. I gave him another innocent soul today and yet he betrayed me. If you’re reading this, you have to stop him. His power growing means he’s entering our world. You have to– 


Recent Comment: User-666: The devil always lies. 

The author's comments:

I am an avid horror and mystery book reader, but I never had the motivation to write my own story. For some reason it was hard for me to grasp what causes readers to get scared from words in a book. My idea of horror solely relied on the idea of visuals and how if you see it, you would be scared. 

But after seeing this contest, I decided to do something a little different. Instead of relying on the fear of the devil, I decided to make it more realistic. Yes, the devil is not proven to exist, but the lengths to which one will go to achieve beauty can be drastic.

I wanted to encapsulate the dangers that lie when you refuse to see the beauty within and on you. Forget the “beauty standard”. THere is not one. Make your own standard.

Or don’t. He’ll take you too. (Think twice looking in a mirror if you refuse to).

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