Sleephedge | Teen Ink


June 17, 2019
By tigcr BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
tigcr BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter 1

It was 9:40PM, the house was dark, but at the same time-- it was lit up by the disco ball in the center of the living room, the voices of drunken party goers and the loud modern rap music. As people danced, Luke was standing near the temporary bar stools lined up at the kitchen counter with his friends. Jack Wilson, one of Luke’s best friends, sat next to him as he started blabbing about his newest girlfriend. “When do you not have a girlfriend,” Luke asked him rhetorically, “You are always dating a girl, or should I say multiple girls.” Jack seemed to want to disagree with Luke’s statement, however deep inside he nodded with agreement as he said “Well at least I can get a girl without her dumping me and moving.” Luke seemed a little annoyed: “Well Rachel had her own problems.” He grabbed another can of beer, and gulped it down quickly. He was already drunk. Sometimes, Jack was concerned for Luke. Luke seemed to always be drinking whenever possible. Even though it hadn’t become a major problem or anything, well at least not yet. Anyway, Luke and Jack continued to talk about whatever college boys talk about.

Hours passed and the day came faster than it  should’ve. It was the crack of dawn, and Luke was still in that corner. At least he stopped drinking. Suddenly, a laser of light burst through the house. “What was th--” Luke was cut off. He had figured out what happened, but he wasn’t the only one who cut him off. It was Rachel. She had burst through the door. Her long brown hair was tied in a simple bun. She opened her mouth as if to talk, but she was slammed to the ground by Luke before she could. “What are you doing?” she asked in a harsh tone. “Saving you.” he replied. Then, as if he knew what was going to happen, a car slammed through the house going 1000mph. It rammed through Luke and Rachel, and then Jack. Everyone else had gone. It was only Luke, Rachel and Jack in the room, laying there, unconscious.





Chapter 2

Luke slowly began to blink his eyes. With every blink he started to formulate a better, clearer image in his head. It took him a good 5 minutes to fully get his eyes from a closed position to a wide open one. Then his ears just randomly decided to work. “Hey, how come he isn’t awake yet?” a familiar voice said. “I know right, he should have been awake 30 minutes ago.” another familiar voice said, except a lot more masculine. “Let’s give him more time to wake up.” the first voice suggested. Luke looked up at the sky. “Only clouds?” He thought. He was right though, it was only clouds. They were either pink or white. No other colors, it looked like colorless cotton candy. But normal clouds looked like that, right? Except maybe for the weird color. He decided he should finally get up. He laid on his side, then he finally pushed himself off of the ground, wobbled a little bit, but still managing to get his grip. He stood up tall. His hair was flying in the wind, and he looked at his hands, and then in front of him. There was a sign. Yeah, an actual road sign, when there was no road. Just a path. “Welcome to Sleephedge.” it read. “Hey he’s finally awake!” the masculine voice said, it was a guy, barely 20, talking to him. He had short blonde hair, combed over to one side. “What’s your name?” “Uhh...Luke?” He replied “Oh, mines Jack.” he said “I don’t know the rest.” Jack sounded familiar to Luke. He couldn’t remember from where though. “I told you you’re name is Jack Wilson!” the girl said. She was about the guy’s age as well. “I’m Rachel,” she said “Jack, he just can’t remember his full name.” “Well you can’t either!” Jack protested. “Fine.” Rachel replied. An awkward silence resumed. “Hey do you know what that sign says?” Jack broke the silence. Followed by Rachel: “I told you Jack, it’s in a foreign language. He’s not going to know.” “Uh, actually, I think it says “Welcome to Sleephedge”, Luke told them. He walked over to the sign. Jack followed. He pointed to the board: “They’re just symbols.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this quite frankly because I was bored. I'm turning it into my OC universe for my drawings. I am currently learning how to draw as well.

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