Eclipse | Teen Ink


June 16, 2019
By h1234 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
h1234 BRONZE, Beaverton, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was tonight. Only tonight could I see him again. For a few precious minutes, the warmth of his fire will touch my skin; I pray to be set ablaze. My respite, my paradise. My only escape from the uncanny chill of the stars and the dust surrounding me. The utter nothingness.

Below, far below, I can faintly make out the buzz of people. Shifting back and forth, weaving within traffic, happy illuminated faces. Jealousy is a constant in the back of my mind as I watch. Each day, all I can do is watch. I watch the child trip and fall, scrapes blossoming on his knees. I watch the angry businessman miss his train. I listen to the cries of the lonely. My heart aches for them; it is one of the few ways I too can empathize with humans. A couple hugs, and the envy gnaws at my spine, my very core. Every peck on the cheek, proposal, marriage, bittersweet. Much like dark chocolate, if I could taste it.

The only thing I possess is my pulchritude. Pale, ethereal, my skin stretches across my expanse like a linen sheet crafted from light. Cracks and craters mottle my face, yet I am not ugly. Much more, it compliments and traces the dips and curves my body fits into. Bright, beautiful, eternal. It is quite likely that more photos have been taken of me than those of models. With every passing hour, as I once more glance down, the flashes of cameras blind me. At first, it was flattering. A superficial replacement for his touch and his attention. The allure of it fell away gradually, a dull complacency quietly replacing it. So many come to me, draw me, dream of me, yet none truly care.

Even when the man arrived in his ship, proudly stepping down onto me, hefting his flag. I felt no compassion. For it was not me myself he was excited over; it was simply his foolish pride. All of them were the same. Humans. Although I had once been one, I can no longer feel any connection with them. I lost all sense of heart with those below when it occurred. I had done the inconceivable. I swallowed the drink. I only did it to bring him back; or more truthfully, to join him. Unwittingly, I became what I am now. I was blinded by love. I was simply suffocating in it, for his love was all I needed. I hadn't known better, from when he told me to drink it to the blinding pain that swallowed my existence. I hadn't known. Or perhaps I did. Love has taken me to where I am, and love is all that I have now to exist for. I am not a human anymore. My body is no longer flesh and blood, but dust and metals. I am as far removed from them as I am from him.

But no longer; for it is tonight. Tonight, his heat will burn my translucent fingertips until I am again dragged away for another eon. He will be there. For just a few precious minutes. He will be there. There for me. For it is tonight. My suffering, my silent crying, it will no longer be for naught. The cause of my state; my agony, my excruciating existence, my desperate stubborn clawing love. He will come to me. For just a few precious seconds, I know in my depths that everything will be made right. For those precious seconds, a moment literally suspended in space and time, I will be okay. It is within him I find my escape. I will await him. I will await my eventual cessation. I will await the eclipse.

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