A Flame Reignited | Teen Ink

A Flame Reignited

April 28, 2015
By Khoa Nguyen BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
Khoa Nguyen BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sunny afternoon and the birds were chirping out in the open fields with their soft voices. Little did I know that today would be such an emotional day. I was walking down the street to Ms. Smith’s Bakery Shop. I greeted the owner, Ms. Smith, politely like I usually do, and as usual she would always tell me the story of how she met this wonderful guy during her times in New York. From what I heard, they both loved each other so much, but sadly Ms. Smith had to move back to California for her job. He pleaded with all his heart for her to stay, but sadly she couldn’t. All she remembers of him is a diamond ring with the name “Jason” engraved on it. As she finishes, I buy a loaf of bread and walk my way out the door and said goodbye to her. Her story usually ended after an hour, but I didn’t mind hearing it again, I actually found it quite heartbreaking and sweet no matter how much I heard it. While i was walking, this tall man suddenly bumped into me and in that moment I caught a glimpse of his ring as it fell. It was a sturdy steel, with very delicately carved writing on the side. I told him I was sorry and I picked up his ring for him. i couldn’t help but notice the writing on it. “Jason” it said. How strange. This was the same name Ms. Smith mentioned in her stories. Could this man be who she was talking about? As I tried asking him a question, Ms. Smith stormed out the shop like she was in a rush and ran towards the man. She was out of breath as she stood in front of him. Both his and her eyes interlocked and the two souls connected. The man looked softly into her eyes as if all the stars of the galaxy and the constellations were caged within her eyes. Words could not describe all the passion each of them held captive within themselves. It was like a small flame inside their hearts finally ignited after what felt like centuries. “Jason, is that really you?”, Ms. Smith asked. “Yes, it is my love”, he said nearly drawn into tears. Both of them then collapsed and fell into each other’s arms and wrapped around each other tightly as if they were about to be separated again. Their embrace continued even after a long time, it’s as if they were trying to make up for lost time. Even infinity wouldn’t be able describe the lifetime these two would share. “I love you”, they both whispered into each other’s ears. Tears actually start to run down my cheeks as I saw those two. I knew that from this moment forth I will always remember this.

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