Speechless | Teen Ink


May 9, 2012
By MyLifeAsCupid BRONZE, Janesville, Wisconsin
MyLifeAsCupid BRONZE, Janesville, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How could an Alice girl like me,
Love a Hatter as mad as you?"

When I was born my biological parents set me up for adoption. My mother was much too young to be able to raise me on her own. I was an accident, an ‘oops’. But I was soon taken in by a newly wedded couple who couldn’t have children, and my name became Krystal. A year later my older sister, Andrea came into the family; she was six years older than me at the time. Then at the age of six my baby brother, Matthew was adopted. We have never seen our biological parents since we were born, and I never want to.

When I was in 1st grade my favorite hobbies and activities were much too mature for my age. While my peers read the Dr. Seuss books I was in the corner enjoying Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. I was the most intelligent child in the class, even the school. I was told over and over again that it was a good thing and how it will all help me someday; I didn’t understand that at the time. I wasn’t respected for my high intellect; many students shied away from me or bullied me by pushing me into lockers, and calling me: ‘teacher’s pet’ and ‘nerd girl’. I didn’t mind being called nerd girl much, but when pushed into a locker I would cry the whole time and whisper ‘help me, please help me get out.’

When I turned ten years old, I had enough. So I decided to learn sign language and to never speak again. I’m sixteen years old and I haven’t spoken one word. I also decided to become an online student but soon moved into a dorm at a university. My teachers call me a sophomore because of my age but I’m learning at a college senior ranked level.

I was shuffling through my notes for a test when I came across an invitation from my sister and her fiancé, Daniel. Daniel was the perfect guy for her. They were high school and college sweet hearts. She used to come home and tell me all of his jokes and how he told her that she was beautiful every day. He was also her tutor from freshman year through college. They were now getting married and she wanted me to be her maid of honor. On my winter break I was coming home and while unpacking in my room Andrea came in to help.

“I probably shouldn’t have sent you a letter but I couldn’t wait to ask, and ever since, I get more anxious every day waiting for your reply.” She looked at me with her large brown eyes, “So will you be my maid of honor?”

I smiled and signed my answer, ‘Yes’. Andrea squealed and gave me a hug. She then started talking about all of the different things she wanted and didn’t want to happen in the wedding. The next day I was helping her pick the wedding ring for Daniel. In May her wedding finally came around the corner. I had helped her pick out everything even the place to get a manicure and pedicure.

It was my sister’s special day. Andrea gracefully walked down the aisle; I thought she was floating at first. Our already crying father was next to her, just like she wanted it to be, though I don’t believe she wanted him crying that hard. Daniel blushed as she took his hand, telling her that she was more beautiful than ever before. As they were telling their vows Daniel’s best man was staring at me. He was tall and had spiked brown hair with grayish blue irises. We met eyes and he turned back to listen to Daniel’s vows.

After the wedding we went to have our pictures taken at the community’s garden. The boy came up to me and never left my side during the pictures.

He finally worked up enough courage to talk to me, “Would it be alright with you if we could dance?” he paused and read through his mind of what he said, “I mean at the reception, not now.” He laughed nervously looking down at his shoes then my face and back at his shoes.

I smiled at how cute he was acting and signed ‘Yes’, the boy became confused and didn’t know what I said. So I nodded a yes. My sister saw what was happening and came over to help. She gave me a pad of paper and a pen, and then turned to the boy.

“She doesn’t talk.” Andrea told him, he still looked confused, “She hasn’t spoken since she was little.”

“So is she physically unable to?” he asked

“I don’t know. Maybe you can help her find her voice.” Andrea started to turn, “Oh! And she said yes to the dance.” She winked at me and went back to Daniel’s side. The boy smiled shyly.

Daniel looked at everyone and said the pictures were done now we could head towards the reception hall. We all climbed into the limos. As we drove into the receptions hall’s parking lot we saw children playing in the green grass and punch being served to the guests as they talked. A large chocolate and vanilla frosted marble cake came into view. We climbed out of the limo and Daniel’s cousin, the DJ, started some music for our entrance. After every one calmed down, we were served our food; Andrea and Daniel cut the cake, and then had their first dance as a newlywed. The boy came back over to me when the song ended.

“What is your name?” he inquired; I took out the notebook and pen.

‘Krystal’ I wrote, and waited for him to stop reading, ‘but you can also call me Krys’ the boy smiled.

“I’m Dylan.” He smiled.

‘I like your name.’ I scribbled, and he blushed. A new song came on.

“I love this song!” he said excitedly, “May I?” he said holding out his hand. I took it and he dragged me to the dance floor.

My hands were all sweaty and I was tense about stepping on his feet or looking weird; but he didn’t seem to mind. As the song progressed I became more relaxed and it became easier to move with the beats. My heart was racing the butterflies in my stomach, but I leaned my head on his shoulder and kept dancing, never wanting the song to end.

Dylan showed interest in me like no other boy has. He didn’t treat me different because I didn’t talk. I felt a connection between us. The song ended and he thanked me for the dance. We headed off the dance floor for some punch. For the rest of the night he talked and I wrote; we danced to most of the songs.

The party ended and we watched Daniel and Andrea climb into one of the limos. They were heading off to their honeymoon in Costa Rica. I didn’t want to leave Dylan’s side and never be able to talk to him again. I took a napkin and wrote down my phone number. I gave it to him, and felt my face turn to a pink.

“I’ll text you.” He said, and then took the pen and a different napkin writing down his number. A ring came from inside his suit jacket. Pulling out his phone he looked at me, “May I?” I nodded and he answered, “Hey mom.” “Yah, what you already left?” “Oh you did? Ok I’ll be there in a bit.” “Yeah, bye.” He hung up his phone.

“I have to get going, but I’ll text you tomorrow.” He said; and headed out the door.

The next morning I woke up to the vibrations of my phone. I had a message from Dylan, my heart raced.
‘Good morning… sorry couldn’t wait.’
‘That’s alright; it’s nice to talk to you again.’

Our conversation went on; we texted and emailed each other for six months before he visited me in my dorm.

I was writing on my chalk board studying for an exam when a knock came from my door. I signed to my friend Samantha if she could get the door. Dylan came in with a bouquet of flowers and gave me a hug. He wanted to take me to the movies and to dinner. I wrote on my chalk board that I have to study. He understood and sat at a desk chair, watching me solve some chemical equations. When finished, I turned and he looked confused at my full chalkboard.

“What are you studying for?” he asked

‘I’m going to be a surgeon.’ I wrote

Sam looked from me to Dylan and signed ‘Are you two together?’

‘Not yet.’ I signed back

‘He’s hot though!’

‘Sam! Ok yah he is. We’re going to leave for a while, will you be ok?’

‘There’s going to be a party next door.’ She signed excitedly

‘Be careful, I’ll be back in a couple hours.’ I then looked at Dylan. He didn’t seem to mind our conversation; in fact it appeared as if he was trying to learn it. We left and headed towards his car. He took me to a large theater, where he let me pick the movie; when the credits came up we left and he drove me to dinner.

Pulling out my notebook I started to write, ‘Thank you.’
But Dylan signed to me ‘You’re welcome.’

My eyes became huge in surprise ‘You’re learning sign language! Wow I can’t believe it, that’s amazing!’ His face became confused again. I started writing again. ‘Sorry, I’m excited that you know some signs.’ He said that it was ok.
Our dinner ended with me teaching him some more signs, and we then headed back to my dorm. The party next door was still going and I didn’t see Samantha anywhere in the room. I opened the door and went in with Dylan following. He sat down and I made us some iced tea. I came back and sat next to him.
“You’re so cute.” Dylan said, I turned red at the phrase and looked into his gray blue eyes. Then without a hitch he slid his hand behind my neck, leaned forward, and kissed me. It was a long soft kiss; he played with my lips, and ran his hands through my hair then slowly down my back. He sent chills through my spine and fire to my face.
He pulled away and looked at me, his face was also red. I didn’t want his lips to leave mine; I wanted to enjoy the love and bask in the glory of him kissing me.
I felt a spark, something inside me tried to come out. Words; not written, not signed but spoken. They’ve been tucked away for so long, I became afraid that I might have forgotten how to speak.
“I love you.” I said softly, amazed by the sound of my voice. Dylan even looked shocked.
“You spoke, I can’t believe” he said but was interrupted when I leaned in for another kiss, “I love you too.” He signed.
The End

The author's comments:
My idea for this story came from a friend who signs and then from a wedding I went to a couple years ago.

I really enjoyed writing this piece and hope you also enjoy reading "Speechless".

If I made any grammatical errors or misspellings, please let me know in the comments. It is really appretiated, especialy if I want to repost this. Thanks again.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 16 2012 at 4:12 pm
GodSpell98 GOLD, Lincoln, Nebraska
18 articles 1 photo 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"THE HUNKY-DORY THING ZAPPED ME!!" or "“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams”. or anything from Lord of the Rings or Star Trek.

Wow! I really really liked this. I can totally relate, with the whole nerd girl thing. I would do what she did except I don't have the patience to learn sign language. :) Keep writing!!