Dream...Or Nightmare? | Teen Ink

Dream...Or Nightmare?

May 18, 2023
By TabbyKitKat716 BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
TabbyKitKat716 BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm a mess, I guess."

She sat down in a random empty seat on the school bus. She looked up and took note of the number, "thirty seven," she thought to herself. "But that doesn't make sense. I'm at the front and the seats end at twenty six." She shrugged it off, also ignoring the fact that she didn't have any stuff on her, not even her phone. Something was off, but she didn't know what. 

A boy sat down beside her. He was tall, at least taller than her. She didn't see his face, but he was nice enough, greeting her. He didn't ask, but why would anyone sit with her if it wasn't the last seat left. The bus started moving, oddly shaking. She brushed that off too. Nothing that odd was happening at all. It was just a school bus.

A scream erupted from the back of the bus, wind rushing through. The screams grew closer and closer. She peaked over the top of the seat to find that the bottoms of the seats were dropping down using a lever. She was pulled back down into the seat by her seatmate and looked down below their seat to find a dark void, like a black hole. 

"Don't let them see you," his heavenly voice whispered into her ear. She shivered, goosebumps appearing along her skin. She hadn't noticed how wondrous his voice was before he started whispering to her. The screams continued, but she began ignoring them. He held out his hand for her to grab. She gripped it tightly, realizing the situation they were in. She leaned into his chest, begging for closeness. He wrapped his arms around her, encasing her in their safety as the screams grew louder. Tears began dripping down her face in fear. He stroked her back, comforting her. "It'll be okay," he whispered. She nodded, knowing that she had bonded with him for life.

She rolled over, trying to stay in the dream's grasp, his grasp. She fell back into the dream, or was it a nightmare, as the screams continued and he comforted her. He whispered in her ear, "everything will be alright, you will get out of this okay." The tears increased rapidly and soaked his shirt, slowly.

"But what about you," she whispered back.

"I don't matter," he reassured her, only making her tears worse. She cared about him, she…she loved him. She gripped his shirt, closed her eyes, and kissed him. She had never kissed anyone before, but he kissed her right back and it was perfect. Their lips pressed together and she enjoyed every second of it, knowing that she might never see him again, because he would die protecting her. She accepted fate and just kissed harder.

She pulled back suddenly and whispered, "I love you." He whispered that he also loved her but froze as a scream erupted from the seat behind them. The seat suddenly dropped and…

She jolted awake to the gentle music of her alarm. "No," she whined, already missing him. She knew him only for a little while and he was only a dream, but he would affect her for the rest of her life.

The author's comments:

It started off based off of a dream I had (the thought of this man haunts me, but we did not kiss in my dream), but I went a bit off the rails and ended up with this. I hope this is a good first try at stories on Teen Ink.

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