Fortune Sandwich | Teen Ink

Fortune Sandwich

January 25, 2016
By WhenPigsFly BRONZE, Laguna Niguel, California
WhenPigsFly BRONZE, Laguna Niguel, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
Douglas Adams

“Wait! Matt! Don’t eat that sandwich!”


I looked up. Kevin stood next to me, a terrified look on his face.


“What?” I said.


He didn’t answer me, but instead ripped the sandwich out of my hands, opened it up on the lunch table, and began probing through it.


“Hey!  What the heck are you doing?!?” I said. “Give it back!”


Kevin gave me a “wait, wait” sort of hand signal and continued poking through my ham sandwich with his gritty fingers. He had obviously been eating Takis recently, because my nice neat folded ham was being coated in grotesque red powder.


He wouldn’t let me take it back from him, so I sat with my hand resting on my chin, growing more impatient by the minute.


“Can you at least tell me what you’re looking for?” I said in exasperation.


He didn’t answer, but instead said “Aha!” and pulled something out from underneath my ham.


I peered over his shoulder. “What is it?”


Kevin turned towards me and held up a tiny folded piece of paper. “Fortune sandwich.” He unfolded it and lifted it up to his glasses. “‘You will have cause to reconsider your choices soon.’ Hmm... What could that mean?”


He crumpled the paper up, stuffed it in his pocket, and strode off towards Crystal’s table.


I stared at him. After a few moments, I got up and started looking through my sandwich for more fortunes.

The author's comments:

If you take this tale seriously, then you are a very practical person and I admire you for that. But this is really a quite nonsensical story.

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