A Perfect Circle | Teen Ink

A Perfect Circle

August 30, 2015
By gabby0311 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
gabby0311 SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

It was fall, the weather was gorgeous and everything outside was different shades of red, orange, and brown. It was September 16, 2003. I remember the exact date because A Perfect Circle released their second album Thirteenth Step that day. That day was the first in what seemed like months where things felt good, maybe even enjoyable. When I think about that day, even now, I always remember the way the music made me feel.  That album is still one of my favorites. It is the absolute perfect balance of pretty melodies and heavy guitars within an album that I have ever listened to. It’s ridiculously easy to get lost in the music and lyrics. It encompasses you like a comforting blanket and gets stuck in your head for days… or in my case, weeks. I was listening to the album in my car having pre-ordered it weeks before. The song playing was Pet. I’ll never forget the many surprised looks people gave me when they walked by my rolled down windows and heard me listening to the heavy, dark song. I barely noticed since I was in the music listening zone. It’s the kind of song that makes you want to punch someone in the face. This is also a song you have to listen to loud. There are some songs out there that give you a rush or goose bumps because they are so beautiful. These are the kind of songs I live for. These are the songs everyone should live for.

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