Dear Diary-A Cats Perspective | Teen Ink

Dear Diary-A Cats Perspective

January 14, 2015
By BbEeTtHh GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
BbEeTtHh GOLD, San Antonio, Texas
11 articles 3 photos 2 comments

August 1st- Dear diary I HAVEN'T BEEN FED IN ALMOST AN HOUR!! I think I am going to die. I can feel my life draining away. I am losing energy. The only thing I can do now is groom myself; maybe if I look beautiful I will get fed.
August 2nd – All was not lost! I was fed! However I am starting to get worried that my owners have forgotten about me. They haven’t played with me, rubbed my belly, or meowed at me in almost an hour. Pretty soon I will have to go to the bathroom and jump on the counter in order to play with the cat that looks just like me. Sadly this cat cannot touch me there is a barrier between us. And for some reason the cat knows what I am going to do. When I put my paw up he puts his paw up! When I swish my tail he swishes his tail! If only we could touch and play I’m sure we would be great friends!
August 3rd – Today they tossed me in the shower, rubbed soap on me, and dragged a towel over me. I do not think these creatures know what I am! I AM A CAT!!!! I do not like water. These creatures are beginning to get very irritating and I believe they laughed at my suffering! I looked out the window today as well. The green was beautiful. And I saw the most amazing female cat I have ever seen before! She was white and puffy with a meow as gentle as the fan. I don’t see how she can live in the green though, she seems very delicate. Where does she get her food? Maybe she lost her creatures and is stuck around wondering for food and shelter. She was a beautiful cat! Her whiskers were very long and sleek. And her eyes were oh so blue! Maybe I’ll try to meow at her when I see her again.
November 3rd – it’s been years since I've written in this journal! I believe that I am at least fifty by now. The creatures however haven’t aged in a bit. I think they live forever! I don’t know what is wrong with them but it seems that they plan to starve me since they haven’t been filling up my food and water bowl as much as I would like. They have also started dumping me into water more often saying dreadful things like “I stink”! Don’t they know I bathe myself almost daily for hours on end! They are the ones that stink! They don’t even lick themselves, these creatures are very intolerable!!

The author's comments:

A cats perspective can be very interesting!

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