Population Growth | Teen Ink

Population Growth

July 21, 2014
By TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
58 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Something that comes easy, won't last. Something that lasts, won't come easy.

It just sucks you know? I spend all my time just thinking about him. How do I make him happy? Is he safe? If he's hungry, I'd go to the store and buy every food he loves and cook it for him in his house so it's hot when I serve it to him. When I go out, whether its alone or with my friends, I make sure he knows that he is welcomed to come. I make sure that if he is ever in an uncomfortable situation or feels like he wants to die and has no where to go, I will always be here to make sure life is the only thing he loves. And it just sucks... Knowing that one person is everything to you. That one person is your whole world and universe. They make up the planets and the moon and the stars. It sucks knowing that though he is my everything... I am just another person on this Earth to him. Just another face, another two feet walking along this world. I am just another one of 7.17 billion people on this Earth.

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