Kyle Shoomer, The Late Night Bloomer | Teen Ink

Kyle Shoomer, The Late Night Bloomer

February 4, 2014
By VincentS BRONZE, Bayside, New York
VincentS BRONZE, Bayside, New York
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Although his grades were exceptional, Kyle Shoomer never exceeded expectations in the Shoomer family legacy. His mother was Miss Kentucky, crowned in 1991 and now a fully active member in Kyle's PTA group in school. His dad is a fitness trainer with trophies all around the suburban, white picket fenced home. As Kyle got older he noticed he wasn't as tall or as wide as the other boys in his class. Which put a target on his back for bullies. His every night routine was to shower and brush his teeth with his radio tooth brush that only played 2 and a half songs. Then he would measure himself by drawing lines with a pencil on the bathroom wall. Every night he would check and notice he wasn't getting any bigger! He asked his father why he wasn't growing and he said " No worries son,one day you'll be as big and as strong as me!" Kyle shrugged in disbelief. The next night when he checked his progress he broke out in tears. "Why aren't I getting any bigger?" He asked himself. Then Kyle whimpered and shuffled his feet into bed. He began to pray " God, you don't have to make everything big but make me as tall as the other boys in school." Shoomer woke up to his car themed alarm clock vrooming away. He felt a light airy sensation by his feet and noticed they were hanging off the bed. He jumped out and realized he had never felt such elevation before. He smiled and thought to himself "I bet my wieners big." He jolted to the bathroom slamming the door, he looked down his pants with a look of disappointment.Now Kyle Shoomer had to wait a lifetime to exceed other expectations.

The author's comments:
This makes me chuckle. Enjoy!

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