Monster | Teen Ink


December 22, 2012
By Cynthiacinnamon PLATINUM, Oakville, Other
Cynthiacinnamon PLATINUM, Oakville, Other
47 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Monster turns the keys and steps into the living room. A putrid smell fills his lungs the second he steps through the threshold of the pine lumber door. “ That old hag.” He thought as the battered woman, sprawled like a starfish, swims into view. Darn, I forgot to clean my mess, yet again. Monster squats in front of the woman and notices the sickening yellow puddle under her bruised and swollen cheek. There is also remains of food strewn on the surface and upon closer inspection, he notices streaks of red. His stomache growls, he strides over to the kitchen, eases open the heavy latch of the refrigerator with a single beefy hand. He pulls out the lonely can of brandy, pops open the lid with his bare teeth and drinks the entire can in three gulps. He burps with satisfaction but frowns incredulously as he averts his gaze towards the sink filled with dinner plates and pots alike. The pots are filled with scraps of leftover meat and mung beans and the bowls and spoons are stained and encrusted with mashed potatoes and rice from the previous evening.
“What is the meaning of this?” Monster grabs a fistful of cornsilk on the woman’s head and yanks it violently. The woman yelps as her eyes flies open in response. The realization that she has passed out for the whole day kicks her in the stomache hard. Anger and apprehension mixed with the stench of vomit wafts in the room.
A faint whimper escapes from her lips, she stammers,” Oh..d-d-d-d-ear.. I forgot my duties. What a horrible woman I am. I’m so sorry. I’ll get back to work right away.”
“You’d better. Women are about as useful as a cigarette butt. Especially you, you old bag of bones. I’m so sorry. Know why? You can’t even keep the house clean, you can’t even cook or make sure my brandy supply is in stock. You know how I like my alcohol.”
The woman’s heart pounds like the thrumming wings of a caged bird and she holds her breath.
“I take your behaviour as a request for another beating?”
“I’m sorry. ” The woman whispered vulnerably as she shields her face for what is about to come.
Monster’s palm hovers menacingly in mid-air as if it were a ravenous hawk ready to attack and feast on its prey. Suddenly, his son runs into the room. “Did I hear you say beating? I want to help! I want to be just like you Dad!” The excitment shining through the child’s eyes reminds Tony of the lovely sunbeams after a mighty storm.
“That’s my boy.” Monster chuckles as he pats his son on the head gently. “Men are destined for great things in life. We are far better and stronger than women. “ These are the exact words his own father told him when he was a child. His son listens to his father intently.
That look of admiration and innocence on his son’s face brings back the memories of Monster’s past.
After school each day, he would return home to mother and four sisters May, Amy, Cecelia and Kim. He would find his mother sewing and mending clothes. May would be sitting beside her, snipping and gluing part of petal shaped plastic and making them into plastic flowers to sell the next day. Amy would be cutting and chopping away cabbage, potatoes while Cecelia prepares rice and meat for dinner. Kim would be polishing the windows or kneeling down on her knees scrubbing away at the filthy floorboards. Things that Monster would never do.
While his mother and sisters are busy with the household chores, Monster would work on his homework, he understood that being the only son in his family means it is up to him to pass down the family name to the next generation and up to him to establish a reputation for his family in society.
And everyday, his father would return home from work once the clock strikes five. By then, dinner would be prepared and set neatly upon the small table in the cramped kitchen. Surrounding the table were two stools which his father and Monster himself sat. Dinner typically consisted of pork, rice , boiled cabbage and potatoes. The boys always ate first, and the girls were assigned to stand by Monster and his father to refill their bowls with rice when they’re finished with them. When his father was in a good mood, he would share his brandy with Monster. Whatever was left after dinner was shared amongst his mother and sisters.
His father was a strong and intimidating man. Sometimes when his father drank too much, he would turn angry and beat his mother or sisters with his cane. He would take his sister’s books and homework and rip them in pieces. Sometimes he would use his mother as a punching bag. He even dislocated her ankle once because he hit it with his cane a little too hard. Another time, he set Cecelia’s hair on fire because he was bored. He would also smack Amy across the head and later explain he did it to relieve stress from work. He never laid a finger on Monster…
Monster’s train of thought was disrupted when his wife drops one of the dirty dishes onto the floor. The dish screams as it shatters into a hundred tiny pieces. Anger boils in Monster’s chest, his patience for his wife’s mistakes today is already paper thin. But this, this takes the cake.
He wraps his fingers around his wife’s neck and starts choking her. His wife screams in protest. She thrashes her arms frantically but Monster doesn’t let go. The more his wife cries, the more Monster’s grip strengthens. Suddenly, his wife’s eyes roll back, she stops moving about and Monster feels her body go limp.
His son looks horrified now. He begins to wail and scream and Monster can’t seem to stop him even with all his brutality.
Everything is happening so fast, the next thing he knew, he is locked away with his son taken away from him. He sits confined behind the bars of the State courtroom. “Your honour, my client is guilty but there is logic behind his monstrous act. Monster grew up as the only son in his family, he has four sisters. He was raised by an abusive man who treated his wife and daughters like they were the scum between his toes…like they were nothing more than garbage…like they are slaves you order around…even punching bags! All due to the generation’s false belief- favoritism, that ladies and gentlemen, is how he became the monster he is today.” Lawyer Amy announces in a solemn tone.

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