My summer | Teen Ink

My summer

June 20, 2011
By writerchik_123 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
writerchik_123 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you can live forever what do you live for?

-Edward Cullen

The hot sand beneath my feet entered in-between my toes. I breathed in the salty ocean breeze. This was the scent of summer. I laid out my pink towel and quickly sat on it. My best friend Grace did the same with her sky blue towel. Grace was a pretty girl. Like me she had a small waist and was on the short side. She had a heart shaped face and a button nose. She had soft brown curls that reached the middle of her back. Her almond shaped eyes were hazel. Grace was wearing a bright orange bikini. On the top piece was a picture of the sun. Mine was a dark blue and had a picture of a flower on both the bottom and top pieces. I soaked up the light that hit my face. The warmth spread through out my body. It wasn't uncomfortable though. It was actually very relaxing. I quickly stood up and grabbed Graces coach bag and peered inside. Grace, who was lying on her towel with her eyes closed, asked, "What are you looking for?" I sighed. "Your iPod." I replied meekly. "Second pocket to the left." she replied. I found it quickly. Just as I was about to crank up the volume on Katy Perry's newest hit she stopped me and said, "I wanna listen." I handed her the left part of the headphone. She stuck it in her ear. I played "Last Friday Night" on max volume. Grace just smiled as I played this summer's anthem. Or at least that's what Grace says. I rested again on my towel and closed my eyes while Katy Perry sang into my right ear. I smiled to myself. This was a way to start the summer.

The author's comments:
This is really just an idea that I had for a new novel. I'm not sure if I should post it so I wrote this. Like a sneak peek. Tell me what you think. Should I do it?

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