The perfect life | Teen Ink

The perfect life

March 16, 2021
By Anonymous

You wake up and you get to look over at your wife or husband and you wake up without any pains. You don't have anything to do that is gonna stress you out. You wake up and you get to eat a filling healthy breakfast. You have the perfect home with all the things that you want. You go outside and it is nice outside and you enjoy things. You are happy but cautious. You have a lot of money, friends and you are a happy person. You can be comfortable in your own skin and you are happy with yourself. This is the perfect life.

I wake up and the pillow is cool ,and I am warm. I look over to my left and I see my wife. Sleeping peacefully I get up my back doesn't hurt and I do not need any coffee but I still get some because I like the taste and It warms my stomach. I go to the freight and I grab the door and I grab some fish and some eggs to cook. I turn on the stove and I put the fish on the stove. 

I season the fish with all the things that I like. I grab some of the coffee from the pot and I put some creamer into the coffee. I sit down at the table and then I see my wife coming out of the room fully awake and happy. She sits down And I go and get her some food. We eat and then I go to my computer and start work. It is easy and I love what I do. I work for a company that helps homeless people. I sit down and I do work from home so there is no need for me to worry about going to work.

 I opened the doc and started writing down Ideas to help them one of my Ideas is to make an apartment that is cheap but works as a home. It will have electricity and It will have a stove and a bed. And providing jobs to them as well as helping them with a small check. I got up and I turned on the TV. I play a game and I enjoy it. The furniture there is the design that I made and I have no need for anything else. 

I go outside and I get into my car and I go shop for some food. I do not need to dress about the cost because I make enough to get everything that I could need and more. I have always been cautious of others. That way nothing bad happens. I do not have any fights but I do get in some arguments but everything is fine after, I do not have kids because it is not something that we want. I do not care what people think about me at the store today. Someone called me a mess. I just smiled at them and then walked away.

When I got back from the store my wife had lunch ready. It was a spicy tuna casserole we both ate and then we went out to the park. We got there and our dog ran around. He is nice. He likes people and he can do a lot of tricks but he does not bite or bark at people. We both believe in the lord but we do not go to church that much. We live in a large house with a nice dog. People always will bring gifts and they are all very nice. Our friends are nice and they all have a good life. We believe that we have the perfect life. All the things are in order and we have it all that we could possibly want.

I have been married to my wife for 10 years and we are both active and do not have anything wrong with us. We feel that having a baby might be something that we want to do but we do not want him to end up getting sick because that would be terrible and that would ruin everything.

I like to eat spicy foods and I'm very good at taking the heat. I like to cook and the people here think that that is cool. I do a lot of things like rock climbing and other things. I go to sleep happy and in a good state of mind and that is the day in the perfect life. When I get old I want to be able to do the things that I love and that is something that will play A role in a perfect life.

I know that having a perfect life is impossible because one bad thing will always happen and that would make it a good life.

Everyone has at least one bad moment in their life like their dad or mother passing away a dog dying. Not having enough money getting a flu or the cold. All of these things happen sometime in people's life. And if they don't then they were born without them. 

My family has a lack of funding and my mother is sick. The house that we live in sucks and all of the things that we like are usually too expensive to get. Like a  new house. 

So no matter how much you try there is no perfect life there is gonna be one thing that ruins it

The author's comments:

personal opinion.

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