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October 16, 2018
By JessR45 BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
JessR45 BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Always smelling of vanilla cappuccinos, with cheer never dying. A single Apple tree in the back, though it still has it’s stormy or rainy days most are now sunny. Pink, yellow, and blue flowers enliven the yard as they bloom during the spring.

    Tan bricks worn down down from generations of love. You can almost see the house begin to swell as a family of 8 are now squeezed into a house meant for 4. No one has ever thought of leaving , because that would mean you leave behind the memories still stored in the attic. Before the sunny days. Before the pink, yellow, and blue flowers. Before home.

    I still remember the old dusty house, with Lucas and Meredith running around in the living room, while i sat in the kitchen wondering what i was going to do once the storm came. Every day at 10 o’clock after the children were put to sleep, it would come and tear me to shreds, as i kept it from touching my babies.

 I had finally put Lucas, and Meredith to bed when I start to hear the clap of the approaching thunder come closer and closer. It felt like a hour finally went by when the clock struck 10 and lighting finally hit me, I considered it Karma for something, anything I did. I mean how was it that I got struck by lightning a thousand and one times every single night for 3 years.

    I would of just offed myself the first year, but after I had Lucas, and Meredith wasn’t going to leave them to fight this storm all alone. They needed me to be their human shield from the storm. I was willing to do so too, if it meant they would be happy and safe.

    Not one of the hits I ever endured ever hurt as much the one that hit at 1 o’clock the next morning. But instead of a storm it was a hurricane. I had fallen asleep in the armchair when it had hit, and it did the most damage. With 100 mph winds throwing chairs, tables, and glass at me. The clashing of thunder and the banging of flying objects eventually woke up Lucas causing him to come into the same room as me. I see the eye of the storm start to move towards him. For the first time in 3 years i actually fought back to gain the storms focus once more and save my son. As I struggle I scream for Lucas to go back to bed. Before I knew it Lucas was back in bed and i had regained the storms focus. This went on for many more hours until it stopped and left.

    One whole week went by with no sleep, but also no storm or hurricane. So I finally convinced myself to take the kids to go see family i had not seen in 2 years. While my mother caught up with Lucas , and Meredith and , I headed down to the lake next to the house. I look down at my hand that still wore the Diamond ring I first put on 3 years ago.

I look around to and see orange and red tree from the chill of Autumn, and I can hear the turning of water from fish in the water. The smell of the nature almost made me feel free. I suddenly flash back to every night at 10 o’clock and suddenly feel a weight fly off my chest. I suddenly fall to the ground sobbing in tears, while at the same time ripping off the ring from my finger and throw it into to the lake. I was finally free, I was free to be happy and move on.

“ I’m free.”

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