A Madman with a Blue Box | Teen Ink

A Madman with a Blue Box

May 9, 2013
By BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I found him on my door step pointing a silver-looking wand with a green light on the end at my door. I had opened my door and there he was.
“Oh, hello,” he said smiling.
“Who are you and what are you doing to my door?”
“I’m the Doctor, and, as for your door, well, let’s just say I’m looking for something.”
“Doctor who? And what is that thing?” I asked pointing to his silver wand.
“Just the Doctor, and this is my sonic screwdriver.”
“Ok… can I help you with something?” He started pressing buttons on his wand and the end lit up again.
“Well you see, I’m looking for a door, but not just any door. Your door. Step out here and let me show you what I mean.”
I debated whether or not I should step out the door or not. He did seem kind of crazy but harmless, so I stepped out and shut the door behind me. I stood beside him and turned toward my door. He started pointing his wand at it.
“Now be amazed.” He smiled and opened my door but on the other side was not my house.
On the other side was a different world. It made me think of Mars but it wasn’t. I knew this because Mars doesn’t have any cities.
“Wh-what did you do to my house?” He looked at me like I had three heads.
“I didn’t do anything to it, it was already like that. Has been for hundreds of years.” He looked at me then jumped off my porch and walked to the side of my house. Of course I had to follow him. He had to fix my house!
We got to the side and there was a big blue box. On the top it said, “Police Call Box.” He opened it and went in. After a few seconds he popped his head back out.
“Are you coming, um..?
“Clover. And you’re mad. I don’t even know you. Why would I get into a police box with you?”
“Yes I am mad, but I’m a madman with a box. Besides, it’s a Tardis.”
“What is a Tardis?” I asked really confused.
“Hop in and I’ll show you.”
I reluctantly followed and was surprised. It was bigger on the inside. The Doctor was circling a huge, round control panel in the center of the room pressing buttons.
“The Tardis, my dear Clover, is a time machine. It can travel anywhere. All of space and time, where do you want to start?”
“Aren’t we going to fix my house? What is that place anyway?”
He started pressing buttons and leaned against the railing.
“Have you ever felt like you’re being watched, or there is something under your bed or in your closet? That is where they come from. They are creatures that live in the shadows and feed off people’s fear.” A humming noise that I hadn’t realized before stopped, and the Doctor headed for the door. “Ah here we are.”
We stepped outside and looked around. The houses were about the same but the people were like shadows. They weren’t like the shadows form Earth either. They weren’t the big blobs we see on the ground. They were 3d and had eyes and everything else.
We headed up the street. All of a sudden, we were surrounded by shadow men with guns. The Doctor leaned in.
“They may be shadows but they can still kill us with those. I was looking for a certain door, and I believed I found it.” He straightened up and pulled out his wand.
“How is your wand going to help us?” I asked a little panicked.
“It’s not a wand. It’s a sonic screwdriver and it can do lots of things. For example,” he pointed it at the shadow men. “I just immobilized all of them. Now hurry. I fixed the portal. Now we just have to get out of here.”
We took off running the way we had come and finally got to the Tardis.
“Now that the work is done what you want to see?” he asked a smile on his face.
“Something amazing,” I replied and smiled
And that is how I became the Doctor’s companion.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 14 2013 at 9:05 pm
BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
i know it needed more details when i wrote it i didn't have a whole lot of time there was so much more i wanted to add thanks for the feedback i really hope you liked it

on May. 14 2013 at 1:18 pm
ShadowWraith BRONZE, Eagle Mountain, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and sit back and let the world wonder how the heck you did it.

Add a little more detail, try to explain things a little more. The Doctor usually doesn't reveal everything in one blow. Other than that, great!