The Legend of Steve Grant | Teen Ink

The Legend of Steve Grant

May 18, 2018
By Stalkergirl27 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Stalkergirl27 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a man named Steve Grant. Now he didn't grow up rich. He didn't go to the finest of schools or the best college. Steve was really just “eh” his whole life until a string of very fortunate events changed that. You see, Steve was a college dropout and needed a job. He scoured every business in the city until he just gave up. He was living in his parents basement at the time, which wasn't the worst of accommodations. The basement may have not been that big, only 225 total square feet, but it contained all necessities required for life. The was a kitchenette featuring a sink, countertop, overhead cabinets, and a mini fridge. The couch was in the corner of the room and directly across from that was a tv on a wooden stand. Steve slept on the couch so there wasn’t any room wasted on a bed. Upstairs was a bathroom upstairs, so there was no need for one in the basement. So back to Steve, he had given up on basically everything when he saw something peculiar. Two kids were fighting over a small piece of paper so Steve went over to them to try and resolve their issues.

“Boys, boys, what's all the raucous about?” Steve inquired.

“It's a lottery ticket.” Said the first, out of breath.

“Yeah and its big winnings this time around, record-setting, in fact.” The second one beamed.

“Well how much is it?” Steve pondered.

“$200 million!” They both exclaimed in harmony.

“Wow!” Steve was in shock.

“What if I won all that money?” He thought to himself.

The boys continued to fight over the ticket, but Steve couldn't care any less as he was slowly drifting away, deep in his thoughts.

Later that day, after returning from his day-job at Wal-Mart, Steve thought about what the boys had said about the lottery. He was about to head down to the local 7-11 gas station just a block away when he got a call from his mother.

“Steve, your father just got a promotion, we will be moving to Las Vegas and our flight leaves in two hours, I bought you a ticket so you better get ready quickly.” She said, clearly stressed out.

“Well, I don't think I can go I'd have to ask for time off at work, pack, it will just be such a hassle.” Steve responded.

“I don't care, I already bought your ticket and you are going, that's final.”

“Fine I'll pack my things.” He said reluctantly.

Steve had his luggage packed and he was headed to the airport within the hour. He met his parents as they were boarding. He quickly raced through security, cut through boards of people, and got on the plane as the door was closing. He found his seat next to his parents and the flight took off. Steve was tired after his long day of work and fell asleep nearly as soon as they took off. It felt like minutes had passed by before they landed in Las Vegas. When they landed his mother gave him $100 and said this to him:

“I feel really terrible about rushing you out here, so here is some money. Do what you want with it, maybe go down to the casino and spend it there. Your father and I have to go meet with the real estate agent about a potential house. We’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

And like that, they were gone. After they left, Steve realized he hadn't taken a shower since leaving Chicago, so he took a quick shower and decided to go down to the casino. He had never been to a Casino before and so he just watched some other people as they made bets.

He never got the confidence to actually bet against others, so he decided to just use the slot machines. He turned in $10 for coins to put in the slots. His first spin, no luck. Second spin, no luck. This kept happening until he was down to his final spin. He entered the chips into the machine, pulled the lever, and watched the wheels spin. The first one: 7, the second one: 7, the third one: 7. Steve won the jackpot!

Steve was restless. The only thing he could think about was his winnings and telling his parents about it when they got home. Eventually, around 1 or 2 in the morning, they lumbered in through the front door, both collapsing on one of the queen-sized mattresses.

“Mom, dad, you guys will never believe what happened today!” He said eagerly.

“What happened, sweetheart?” His mother lazily responded.

“I won the jackpot!” Steve beamed.

Both of his parents sat bolt upright, “You what!” His parents hollered simultaneously in pure shock.

“That's right, I was on the slot machines and I was down to my last spin and all three 7’s appeared on the screen.”

“That's amazing!” His mother praised.

“Incredible!” Said his father.

“How much was it?” His mother inquired.

“Well I haven't checked yet. I was gonna wait for you guys.” Said Steve.

“Well your wait is over. Let's go!” His father said with great enthusiasm.

They scurried on down to the front desk and turned in the ticket. It was worth $2.5 million. Steve ended up buying his parents the house that they really wanted as well as one for himself in the same neighborhood after he found a job, of course. He bought furniture and tvs and all the necessities to fill a house with as well as his very first car

A couple months later, he was in a gas station buying gas when there was a woman there who was having problems with her credit card. It was only when she turned around and Steve recognized her as his best friend from his childhood. Her name was Connie Wilson, they had lost touch once they went to separate high schools. It just so turned out that she had moved to Las Vegas for greater job opportunity, but hadn't found much luck. Steve was taken aback and asked, “Connie?”

“Steve Grant, is that you?” She pondered.

“Oh my gosh, how have you been?” Steve asked.

“Not so great,” she responded, “I haven't been able to land a stable job so I've kind of bounced around between jobs.”

“Well that's too bad, let me get that for you.” Steve said, referring to the few groceries she had that were still on the counter and not paid for.

“Are you sure?” She inquired.

“Of course, it would be my pleasure.”

In the bag, he noticed a lottery ticket and decided to get one himself. He then invited Connie over for dinner, and she gratefully accepted the offer.

They had dinner with Steve’s parents and it was an overall fun night. They watched a movie, played board games and Connie would end up staying the night at Steve’s house. A few nights later, the numbers would be announced for the lottery. When the news flicked on that night, Steve was eager to hear the numbers. Steve had no intentions of winning nor was the thought even in his mind so when each number matched up exactly, he was more than just surprised. He was elated. Bouncing off of the walls.  Knocking stuff over, he didn't even care. He called his parents and Connie and they all celebrated the next day after he had turned in his ticket which was worth $100 million. He made multiple upgrades in his life including new cars, extensions to his already extravagant estate, and much much more.

After he felt satisfied with his luxurious transactions, Steve decided to travel the world, but not by himself, but with Connie. Steve always had feelings for Connie, but he never showed them. Connie was an attractive woman with long, blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes complemented by slender lips and a slim frame. Connie decided to join Steve and together they went all throughout Europe, Asia , Africa, and South America.  Their excursions took six months and when they returned, Steve had another $150 million as he had hit the jackpot with yet another lottery ticket. By now, his name had spread throughout a lot of countries and often times, he had to be very careful as many people were on the hunt for him and his money.

After this he won once more, but he didn't have long to celebrate his $70 million winnings as a man named Gordon Ramsay kidnapped Connie. Steve made it his mission to rescue Connie and he did and they lived happily ever after.

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