Wild Huffs | Teen Ink

Wild Huffs

November 30, 2016
By Layla2001 BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
Layla2001 BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      My family is not like most families. For starters, I have a gorilla for a dad. My dad has brown, coarse hair on the top of his head that travels down his back. His brow bones come out like caves shadowing his eyes. He has a broad chest and a round belly. His large,hairy knuckles swing by his sides as he walks. Calluses lay concealed on the palms of his hands. Even with his warmly gruff exterior there remains an underlying sense of care that permeates his personality. He is very watchful and protective over his family. Taking care of his family is his number one priority so he takes pride in the long hours he spends at work.
      My mom is a lioness. She has blonde hair and watchful eyes. She strides with such confidence that you can’t help but to respect her. Being a mother is what she does best. She role models behaviors and skills in a fashion that only a mother can do.  She provides us with the love and care that we need. We learn basic knowledge and skills through her guidance. She’s also not afraid to nip you us to keep you in line. And let’s not forget how she proudly displays her battle scar as a constant reminder of her battle.
      My brother, Mason, is an english bulldog. He has a big, round head and anything behind his ears doesn’t see. He’s the happiest dog you’d ever meet. He’s not the brightest but he’s loving and loyal.
      My sister, Kylee, is a sloth. Her body is very slow and loose.  She has a very mellow and easygoing kind of personality. As long as you feed her, she doesn’t complain.
      My sister, Lexi, is a sly fox. Her piercing blue eyes appear to dart left to right scanning for seemingly unattended objects to make hers. Her moral compass is always pointed in the wrong direction. If you can’t see her, you better go find her. No treasure map needed to find these hidden treasures, it’s just up two flights of stairs and to the left.
      My youngest sister, Addy, is a cheetah. She’s a lean, mean, running machine.  She’s fast as greased lightning with those lean muscular legs supporting such a petite frame. She tears across any terrain, seemingly unstoppable. Being one of the smallest ones in the group doesn’t stop her standing her ground. This little kitten has no problem unleashing her claws.
      My youngest brother, Logan, A.K.A., Wilber, is the cutest little pig in town. You will most likely hear him before you can see him. This little piggy is squealing and a whining all throughout the house. With his pudgy little cheeks and his upright nose he will nudge, push, and pull you to fill the trough. Don’t be fooled by his dramatic displays of hunger. He’s been bottle fed, hand fed, table fed, not once, not twice, but three times.

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