Watching You | Teen Ink

Watching You

February 25, 2015
By Yanna GOLD, Warsaw, Indiana
Yanna GOLD, Warsaw, Indiana
12 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't let anyone use your pen to write your story. It's your life."

Her blue eyes, her crooked smile, her wavy long blonde hair. Everything about her seemed so perfect. Watching her work was what I admired. She seemed fragile and elegant. Like everything she did was with gentle gracefulness. Nothing stopped her; one thing came right after the other. She served each customer in different ways because they all had their styles. She knew that. The coffee shop was her second home. Everyone knew her by name, just like she knew all of them. She made each drink with care and love. Everything seemed so perfect with her in it.
“Hey Anne, can you come here?” asked Serenity.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“That guy over there keeps watching me. Like everywhere I go or whatever I do, his eyes are always on me.”
“Maybe he just finds you attractive”
“Ha, yeah right.”
“Well, just keep working, he should leave soon”
“Okay, I hope so”
She looked at me with her sparkle blue eyes and I smiled. She had a hesitant look on her face and I just continue to admire her. I knew her shift was almost over so I decided to stay until then. Every once in a while, she looked in my direction. I assumed that she took an interest in me and I sat at my table, happy. I took a sip of my coffee and then sat it down on the table. Most of the customers had left.  So I decided to get up and go out to my car. As I walk pass her, I smile.
“He finally left Anne”
“He sat there for a while”
“I think he’s been there since I started my shift”
“Yeah, I shouldn’t worry though right?”
“Yeah I wouldn’t”
I sat in my car that was down the road from the coffee shop. I watched the door to wait for her to leave. Fifteen minutes passes and she finally steps out of the shop. I watch her go to her car and drive. I start my car and follow. I had to. I stayed a good distance away so she wouldn’t be concerned. After a while she stopped in front of some apartments. Her car turns off, and I park down the road a bit. I get out and follow her inside. She never notices me, but I noticed which apartment she went in. After she walked in, I waited five minutes, and then I knocked on her door. The door opened and I said “Hi Serenity, how’s it goin’?”

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