My First CD | Teen Ink

My First CD

February 6, 2015
By ihinojosa_30 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
ihinojosa_30 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The article My First CD was about a girl that saved her money to buy a music album she has always wanted because she loved the band Fall Out Boy.  When she bought it she listened to it all the time and would dance and go crazy.  Although sometimes she didn’t understand what the lyrics were saying she still loved it.  She thought that album brought her cure to her growing up and only place that feels like home.  This article relates me to when I was younger.  I always wanted these CD’s “Now That’s What I Call Music” which where all the hits people voted for the album.  My dad would buy them but there was something that I had to do to earn it.  When I got those albums I would get all excited and download them to my MP3 player and then I would plug it into a speaker and listen to all the songs in my room and go crazy or play video games when listening it.  That album(s) made me really happy cause I would get excited every time I would listen to it.  But as I grew older iTunes came out and I forgot about those albums.  Until today, I still have those albums and sometimes I will look at them.  It was a great memory I had when I was young.

The author's comments:

It was a assignment.

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