A New Dawn | Teen Ink

A New Dawn

December 6, 2014
By BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
BlossomM. PLATINUM, Austin, Texas
20 articles 0 photos 5 comments

To wonder does not mean you are lost. I know this because I wonder amongst the stars, feeling a thousand emotions, knowing a thousand lives.
     I watch the worlds go by. Each one rising to its peak before falling to become dust, floating around me. The golden light of many suns have bathed me in their glow. I feel not the weight of passing centuries. I only wait to be born again. To see the new world, survive  the challenges, and feel the thrill. Oh, how happy I would be.
     I know my time will be soon. A world has just ended, a new one already forming from its corpse. It takes years to grow but I can wait. My patience is limitless and I have all the time in the world. Years are but seconds for me. There! The world is done. I feel the pull on my soul. It is time for me to become the first inhabitant of this new world. A sharp tug and I am falling...
     I open my eyes as I rise from the earth, breathing oxygen into my forming lungs, expanding them, pumping blood through my new heart. Dirt falls from my forming figure and I stretch my hands, the webs between my fingers disappearing rapidly as the new cells die. I blink my eyes slowly, adjusting the pupil to the light of early dawn, which is, just now, peeping over the horizon. Where am I? Who am I? As I survey my surroundings I feel a deep sense of belonging and peace. I belong to these green hills, these high mountains, deep valleys, and crystal streams, every inch filled with life. I look up at the sky as I finish forming. The brilliant blue astounds me. This is my home, I decide, taking a single, halting step. This is where I am supposed to be.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a picture of the stars and the amazing quote by J.R.R. Tolkien.

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