Character Description | Teen Ink

Character Description

January 19, 2013
By encupcake SILVER, Surrey, Other
encupcake SILVER, Surrey, Other
7 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx

My Character Description:

She has brown hair, sleek and a bit greasy. She seems to think that it’s so long that she doesn’t need to do anything to it. She’s wrong. Wearing a high ponytail makes her bony face look harsh and stretched, and having it down makes it look long and droopy. I think she’d look a lot better with some vibrant curls, to force some life into her expression.
Her face isn’t complicated. There are more brown freckles spotting it, than there are stars in the sky. But she tries to cover them up. Her eyes are reasonably pretty – pointy and blue. But she wears so much mascara that you can’t see them anymore.
She tells me that she is unique, that she doesn’t follow the trends... she just likes them. But somehow she always chooses to wear the brands that other people are wearing. To her, a label is worth more than a decent piece of clothing.
She can’t afford designer clothes. She buys one expensive outfit a year with her birthday money, and then wears nothing else. If you didn’t know her like I do, you’d think she was a tramp who never washed her clothes.
But she does. And she does try. But she tries in the wrong places.
She insists on making her eyelashes as huge as possible. Obscuring the windows into her soul. She’s hiding from the world, but she cannot hide from me. I don’t need windows to see into her soul.
She’s looking back at me from the other side of the classroom. She knows what I am writing, and it upsets her, but she can’t do anything about it.

She’s looking back at me from my old school photograph on the wall. Her face is sad, and that isn’t helped by the long, lank hair which lengthens her face.
I tuck a vibrant, bouncy curl behind my ear and can only wish I realised sooner.

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