Last Night I Dreamt... | Teen Ink

Last Night I Dreamt...

September 27, 2023
By oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a mostly clear day, a few clouds in the sky, but still very warm. Somewhere in the back of my mind I felt the urge to move around; to jump, shake, and just flow. As if I just needed to get all my wiggles out. I looked around and upon seeing no one, I did just that. Right as I started to move I heard a voice. Loud and commanding, “HOLD UP!” the voice shouted. I stopped. My arms were above my head, my knees were bent—I looked like one of those anglerfish found way in the depths of the ocean. The ones only marine biologists and crazy divers get to see in person. But here I am, in the middle of what I once thought was a very empty pier on the River Thames, and slowly turn around to see, possibly the strangest group of people. Staring back at me was Lin Manuel Miranda, Skylar Astin, and Eliza Hamilton. I was infatuated with the sight before me, I could almost hear my heartbeat coming from my chest. I was in a trance, it was like those stories you hear about sirens practically hypnotizing the sailors. Then everything in my vision turned… macaroni and cheese orange? No, no that's not right! Before you pass out you're supposed to see black—.

And that's it. I woke up; slightly disoriented and very confused. It took me a few minutes just to realize that what had happened, was never actually real.

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