The Three Little Wolves | Teen Ink

The Three Little Wolves

May 16, 2023
By jaxonjones23 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
jaxonjones23 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Three Little Wolves

Once upon a time, there was a cabin deep in the forest. In the cabin lived a family of wolves. The family consisted of Papa Wolf, Mama Wolf, and Little Wolf. They lived happily in the forest, taking walks through trails they made and swimming in a nearby pond. One day Little Wolf was playing outside and he strayed too far from the house. While out in the forest, he saw a reflection off the ground and decided to follow it. He walked a few minutes before reaching the source of the light and he was shocked by what he found. On the ground in front of him laid a golden apple. He decided to take it with him and hide it from his parents. He walked around a little bit more until he found a trail that led back to his house. When he got home, his parents asked him where he had been and he told them that he had just gone for a walk. As the sun fell, he went inside to get ready for bed, hiding the apple under his mattress. That night, the wind blew against the window with a low rumble echoing through the cabin.

The next day, the family decided that they were going to go for a walk on their trails. They walked for a few minutes when all the sudden, a loud bang rang through the forest followed by a deep rumble in the ground. The family ran back to their house, noticing that it was the direction of the noise. They got back to the trail entrance to find what remained of their house scattered across the ground. Giant splinters of wood strung across their yard with torn up earth surrounding the wreckage. They stood in shock in front of the scene when a loud growl came from the forest. Not trying to find out what made the sound, the wolves started to run in the opposite direction. 

The sound of footsteps shook the ground behind them, sending pulses through the forest that surrounded. The wolves came upon a house and thought that it would be a good place to hide, so they made a sharp turn towards it. They ran in and closed the door as fast as they could, then hide under a table. The footsteps progressively got louder until they were on top of them, and then everything went silent. 

“Little wolf! Little wolf! Let us in! Let us in!” rang three voices speaking in unison. “Give us the apple and we won’t hurt a hair on your chinny chin chin!”

The wolves didn’t say anything, they then heard a inhale, and the house started to fall apart around them. The wolves were in the open and came face to face with what had been chasing them. There were three boars with large tusks and dark brown fur. The boars then rushed towards the wolves, knocked out the wolves, and shoved them into leather bags. 

The wolves woke up tied to poles that hung over a huge pot of boiling water. They shook their bodies to try to get loose but to no avail. The pigs walked into the shack with their heads dragging against the ceiling. They then walked over and two of the boars grabbed the ends of the pole and started to lower the wolves into the water while the third boar just watched with excitement. They then ate the wolves for supper with apple pie for dessert.

The author's comments:

I really like how this one turned out. 

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