The Illuminate | Teen Ink

The Illuminate

June 1, 2016
By Anonymous

I was striking it rich. I had already made over 2 billion dollars from the stock market alone.  With the money I  was earning from the stock market I was investing in many companies and sports teams (I also invested in many sports cars). I already owned the Los Angeles Rams and the Utah Jazz who had made me quite the pretty penny also. Every day I made millions of dollars, and after I made it to the 14 billion dollar club, they approached me.
I was 26, making millions of dollars on the daily,  and my profile was getting bigger and bigger. One night around 1 in the morning three very large men in black suits came knocking on my door in my ½ a billion dollar penthouse in Miami Florida. I wouldn't have noticed their weak little knock, but my German shepherd started barking like a crazed baboon with rabies. I was looking at businesses to invest in at the time, and I assumed these men just wanted to make sure all the money I had been earning was legal, but boy was I wrong. I opened my door to to see three men all of a very muscular build all probably 6’4”. They all looked like triplets because they all had brown hair, blue eyes, and they were all wearing the same things. They also all looked like they could tear me in half with their arms tied behind their backs. I asked them half asleep, “Gentleman what can I do you for.”
The leader of the group who looked the most muscular, and the only one who wasn't wearing sunglasses responded, “Tom come with us now peacefully or forcefully. It’s your choice.”
I was starting to sweat, and I think the men knew because I saw a little smile come across the side of their faces. I reluctantly replied, “I will come just let me get my coat, phone, and wallet just in case we stop for snacks. You’re welcome to come in and wait for me to grab my things.” I quickly walked back into my house before they could say no.
It took me about 3 minutes to grab my stuff because I put on my most expensive suit which had a camera in it just in case something bad happened. I put on my suit, but I realized the batteries were dead. I then decided to switch to athletic shorts.. After I got my things, I sarcastically joked, “Well boys are you ready for our date? Also if it's not to much to ask where are we going?”
No one responded, so I just shut up. We walked to the elevator, and got in going down to the ground floor. We then got in a black cadillac that looked like a million dollars.  I asked once again, “Where are we going?”
This time the leader responded, “We are going to the meeting.”
I looked around, and replied, “I hope we are going to a communication meeting because you guys are terrible at speaking and communicating.”
Just as I said that the man sitting next to me in the backseat told me, “Shut up for the next 5 minutes of our drive, or I will shove a dirty 3 week old sock in your mouth.”
Apparently this was a joke or something because every suited man started laughing. Me well I just sat  there in shock because of everything they could have found funny, they found that funny. For the next five minutes we all sat in silence. Finally after what felt like an eternity they pulled over to the side of the road to an abandon building. We got out of the attractive car, and I followed them into the basement. When we got to the basement they told me to take a seat, so I did like good little puppy. Everyone left leaving me alone. I have to say I was a little nervous at that time then all of a sudden Michael Jackson came in the room and said, “Hello Tommy Boy. We’ve been expecting you.” Michael said this with a huge smile.
I was in shock, so I blurted out “ Michael, I-I-I-I thought you were dead? How are you here? Was I drugged? Do I have schizophrenia? I have so many questions for you!”
Calmly Michael responded, “Come with me I have much to show you, and tell you,” I got up and we started walking through a secret door he came through. He then went on to say, “Tom I know this is a shock, but we faked my death for good reason. Tom have you heard of the illuminati?”
I was in shock still ,so I think I yelled a little, but I said, “Yes I have when I was younger my friends and I would always joke about it, but we stopped after we realized how silly it was.”
Michael laughed a little but said, “Well Tom I’m in the illuminati and so are many other famous people. The reason the guards brought you here is because we want you to join the illuminati. You are quite the big name lately, a multi billionaire has quite the high profile. You don't have to join, but if you decline this offer there is going to be a tragic “suicide” of a multi billionaire.” Michael smiled at this remark like he had just accidently walked into a children's daycare.
“I think I’m going to have to take you up on your offer Mr. Jackson, but what do I do? When do we meet? I have so many questions!”
“Tommy boy you will know when we meet, and you will know what to do. We are the illuminati of course. You do have an initiation process though. All you have to do is plan a terrorist attack to cover up Russia’s multi trillion dollar losses.”
“I what? I don’t know if I could do that!” I said this while Michael reached in  his pocket, and after I finished talking he threw something at me.
Sweating and gasping for air I awoke in my bed. I thought to myself and made the assumption that it was just a crazy dream. I went to my coffee pot to start my day off right, but I mostly wanted as much energy as a cheetah. When I went to get the grounds in a cabinet  a note fell to the ground. I read the note which said “Don’t forget the attack friend. After you finish your coffee call this number (666)-666-6661. I called right away and spoke to someone who didn't say a name all the person said was, “To destroy a building in Russia and blame it on terrorists, so you can cover up a huge loss on their economy.”
I asked “Which building?”
He then responded, “Whichever one you want buddy.” He then laughed a weird laugh like he was choking on a hairball, and a lego. He then hung up.
I was nervous, but I planned an attack on the Russian capital building. It was a huge success. I then saw around 109 news stories about how the Russians just lost about 20,000 lives all because of me. I knew at that moment I had to stop the illuminati.
I then used every tool I had with my millions of dollars to find Edward Snowden. He had what it seemed vanished off the face of the Earth, but I spent many hours looking for him online. That was until I realized he was my next door neighbor who moved in a couple weeks ago. I teamed up with, and together we started trying to figure out how to take down the illuminati. I then received another call a week after teaming with Edward that said, “You need to do another attack this time kill millions to stop the war in Iran.”
I responded, “Alright can do sir, but if I do this can you guys give me a pet turtle named Jeff?” But this person didn't know that Edward and I were tracking the call.
We drove forever like we were driving to Antarctica from the equator, but we were really going to BIll Gates house. When we arrived 20 brutal looking guards, that were all heavily armed met us at the entrance, but somehow we managed to kill them. In the act Edward was shot in the arm. He fainted, so I just left him there like any good friend would. I continued walking around Bill's house. I found a movie theater in his house and when you go to a movie theatre you watch a movie, so I watched the hangover part 1,2 and 3. After my movie marathon I eventually walked into a huge room with a table and one person sitting in a dark mysterious clock. I asked, “Are you the leader of the illuminati?”
He responded “Yes I am Tom. I 've been expecting you.” 
I then pulled out a gun shot and killed him. I walked over silently because all my ninja training was paying off. I walked over mostly because I wanted to see who the leader was. I pulled off the hood to see Abraham Lincoln. I then went home to sleep, but right as I pulled in my driveway I remembered I had left Edward at Bill Gates house. So I drove the 10 mile drive back to get Edward, and then went home and slept.

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