U.P Origins: Mystic Mask | Teen Ink

U.P Origins: Mystic Mask

May 19, 2016
By Puddin SILVER, Tyler, Texas
Puddin SILVER, Tyler, Texas
8 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins121643.html#0PG0eICgXM7wYuYZ.99

I always knew I was amazing,joking, but I am amazing. I just didn't know how awesome I really was. That is until I looked back in my family history and when some crazy stuff started happening. It all really started when I looked back at my history.


My name is James Zenderman. Ya I know it sounds like that guy off of Islandcraft, Kinderman (which means kill man). As a kid I lived with my Aunt Emerald because my dad died unexpectedly. Then my mom was never around so I was left with Auntie Emerald. So that lead me to working in a boys home a few blocks from my apartment. My best friend is Dr.Alaina Unibent but you know I just call her Alaina.


Considering I only knew my aunt I figured one day that I wanted to know my family history. I remember it like yesterday, it was a Tuesday in March. I went over to Auntie Emerald's that day. I figured there were some family things up in the attic. You know considering it was kind of old and dusty up there.


"Oh good morning sweetheart." My auntie said after opening the door.


"Hey Auntie Emerald! I was wonder if I could look up in the basement today?"


"Oh sure hon come right on in."


Her house was kind of like the ones you saw in the 80's. It was close to being modern yet not quite there and the first place you saw was the living room. Then on your left was the kitchen. In between the kitchen and the bathroom was the opening to the attic. I climbed up when I got there and the moment I opened the ladder,dust. Dust cobwebs everywhere. It was messing with my allergies a bit. I climbed up the ladder to the old room. I turned on the light but it only made the room dim.


You could see everything from "James Baby Stuff" box to "Photo Albums" box. There were old action figures and trophies. Pretty much the typical stuff you'd find in an attic. I figured a good place to start where the photo albums. Thing was though that there were at least twenty of them. I was determined though. As I looked through the albums I realized they were in order from some of the earlier times to way back who knows when. I finally came to the last book with the strange title of "Our Life Adventures." First thing I thought was it was just the name someone gave it. Well that is until a certain picture fell out.


As I was lifting the book up out of the box a picture fell. I picked it up to find an old dusty picture. It had a picture of a familiar looking man and woman. For awhile I just stared at it. It seemed so familiar and drawing. Well I figured that if one photo can from there then there had to be more. I opened the photo albums to find more pictures of these same two people. The woman had black and brown with an orange shirt. She also had a white skirt and tennis shoes to match. The man had short black and brown hair with a yellow shirt. He also had a mustache and suspenders that were cross ways. As I flipped through I saw a timeline. From the moment these two met they were together. Then there came finally photo. One that I couldn't believe too much. It was a family photo with me in it.


"What the.."


"Find what you were looking for?" Auntie Emerald walked in.


I hid it my pocket as quick as I could.


"Uh ya. I did actually. Hey can I ask you a question?"


"Of course hon what is it?"


"Who's my mom and dad?"


She let out a sigh before sitting on the floor next to me.


"Your mom, my sister, was named Diane and your father was Eric. Your father was, unique and your mother was what you might call normal."


"Wait what do you mean by unique and normal?" She got up and started walking. I tagged along just to get my question answered. As we walked I realized how big the attic was.


"A long time ago there was a group of magical adventurers. These adventurers had technology that was a mix of science and magic. They traveled all around the universe stopping supernatural evils. They knew spells of all kinds and it's not that it was witchcraft but it was for the benefit of all people good and evil. Your father was one of those adventurers."


"Wow! Wait so am half alien?!"




"So am I human?"


"Only half."


"Well then what's the other half?" She turned around and stopped me with both hands on my shoulders.


"You're known to most as a Mystic."


"A Mystic?"


My brain was exploding. I couldn't exactly process it. I mean there was magic and adventure and parents wrapped all in one. I mean come on, me being half human half magician. It couldn't have been real but it was. Auntie Emerald went through an old dresser while I processed this. In my hands she dropped two orange gloves.


"These were your fathers. He wanted them to be yours."


"But, that still doesn't answer my question. Who am I?"


She dug around in the dresser again. I was there just staring at the gloves. They were those kind that had an opening at the top and the the fingers were cut. They were a thick leather and tbh I kind of liked them. She turned back around with ten books in her hands.


"These were your father journals. They tell every journey he went on,every spell he cast, even the last adventure he went on. He said these would give you all you need."


She reached her hands out to give them to me. I almost was scared to pick them up. The fact that my parents left me with this stuff and I didn't get to know them. I bite the inside of my cheek as I took them. I'm not the kind of person who usually cries but I felt like doing just that. Once I had the books in my hands I silently left for home. Aunt Emerald let me out the door. I felt like I could only think and not say. After a few minutes of walking down the road I made it home. Or at least my legs brought me home I barely noticed until I was sitting on my couch. I wanted to open the first book but still I was holding back. What would I find in here about myself,my parents, the life I could have had. After a debate between my brain and my body I finally grabbed a hold of the first book.


'Adventure one;day one,This is the day. My first adventure into the world of Mystic's...' it started. I had no idea how much I read but I couldn't stop. Every word seemed to enchanted and educate me on my life. How it would have been, how my parents were, how my father was. I felt like I was with him throughout the books. Yes I said bookS with an S. I read all night basically. I woke up at about four am to find that I was done with the first five. I remembered them like the back of my hand.


In the first book my father went on his first trip to the Amazon battling Shadow Knights for a village. In the second book he met with an alien group and fought for Mars, which does have life on it. The third book is when he met my mother after saving her from Russian Spy's from the twelfth dimension. In the four book they both traveled to Transylvania to prevent a war between the Wolfman and his group of werewolves and Dracula and his vampires. Finally in the fifth book they got married and spent their honeymoon on an adventure in Costa Rica.


'Thats shows just how crazy my life would have been.' I thought to myself. Then another thought came to mind.'What if I tried one of the spells?'


Honestly there were at least five different spells named in every book so. I just had to remember one. But I'm smart so I knew it was outside time.So I was in my backyard trying to figure out which spell might cause the least destruction in my yard. Well. I was so tired I didn't care for it too much."Oh I remember this one! Um ok...finog, (fin-og) twoka (two-k),fire,lanca (la-an-ka)!"


Suddenly fireworks popped everywhere. I actually did it. Now it was time to reverse it."Acnal,erif,akowt,gonif!" The fireworks stopped. I had a feeling that I would need more practice considering I almost started a fire.


~One month later~


In the past few months I practiced all sorts of spells. There's a spell for cloning yourself,a spell for fire,a spell for shadow control, there's even a spell that makes you tangible (walking through walls and all that). I was just getting the hang of things. I just didn't think I'd have to use them for awhile. What am I saying, I thought I would never use them. That was until I met some unexpected visitors from far,far,far,FAR away.


It all kind of started when I had the TV on but wasn't really listening. I was too busy reading the seventh book Aunt Emerald agave me. The sixth book was about my dad meeting some guys known as The GEF or The Galaxy Elite Fighters. They're basically like the cops of the galaxy and each one is assigned a specific galaxy to defend. So there are other galaxies and there are aliens. Take that science! Well coincidently I was getting up to get some milk. Because I live alone I drank it straight from the jug. As I was chugging down the milk I over heard the news.


"Good evening I'm Sarah Goodned and this is Channel Seven News Otisburg at seven. Earlier today around five pm people everywhere have claimed to see a UFO fly across the sky. Many teens and adults described it as something you'd see out of Star Battles and Galaxy Defenders (if you're wondering theses are two top TV shows that I love ok back to the story). There were even reports of seeing a strange being in the city park."


Then they popped up a photo,that was horribly blurred, of what looked like the aliens described out of my father’s book. It was what looked like a woman with yellow skin,and purple and orange hair. Along with creepy pink eyes. The female aliens in the book I was just reading had the same description. That's when I proceed to spitting out my milk like the people on sitcoms.


"The US government might openly be on the case of this one. For they said that no one is to get close to anyone who looks like this. If anyone spots anything they say don't panic and call your local police."


No one get close my butt. I knew a I had to investigate on this one. I mean come on aliens. Who wouldn't? I was just about to run out the door when I thought of something. This would be my first adventure as a Mystic. I ran back to my room and grabbed my father’s gloves. I will forever wear them with pride.


"Ok perfect time to try out that teleportation spell." So I got to my knees."Deji (da-edge-e)," my left hand up and my right hand down."Koba (co-bu)," my hands to the side."Rekio (re-key-o)," my hands in against my chest."Gogi (go-gee)," right hand on my head and left on my chin."Senito (scent-e-o),serifo(sir-e-foe),mongi (mon-gee),lacoo (la-koo)," my hands and the ground. There was a bright light. Like sunlight bright thought I'd go blind. Next thing you know I'm in the center of the park."I got it right." I said with a smile.


Our city park was one of those big ones that was at least half a acre. In the center was a statue of Luther B. Hegens the founder of the city. There were also more trees than most parks have. But what do you expect from a half acre park? I looked at the sky and noticed a cloud of exhaustion leading deeper into the park. So I went northwest hoping to find Earth's visitor.
Sooner or later I was tired of jogging and so I just walked. It felt like every foot step I took so done was watching. I kept my eyes out for anything. Well I guess that sharpness pays off cause I found the ship. It was huge and almost looked like a battleship. It was grey and had red and blue lights on the front and side.'Cool.' I thought. I then started searching for a door or something that would lead me in. Then at the very back of the ship I found something. I walked up to it and it just so happen to be a fingerprint pad.


"Of course. It’s an alien. Nothing is as simply as a button."


"Well except for a Dark Matter gun." I turned around to find the purple and orange haired,pink eyed, yellow skinned alien I saw on the news. Her Dark Matter Gun kind of looked like a shotgun mixed with a pistol.


"Who are you and why do you want to get on my ship?"


"Hey look lady I'm just curious about who you are and why you're on Earth." I put my hands up meaning I meant no harm. We just kind of sat there for a minute staring at each other. Or in this case her gun staring at me. Then she had a hint of surprise or worry on her face. Next thing I know she lunges at me like a crazy person. My body hit her ship and she had her grip on my hands. Did I mention she was crushing them?


"What is your problem lady?!"


"Where did you get these gloves?"


"Your popping my hands out of there sockets!"


"Answer my question."


"They were my fathers my aunt gave them to me."


"Who's your father?"


"Eric,Eric Zenderman ow!"


She released my now red hands. That woman has the strongest grip I've ever felt. She gasped before starting her sentence.

"You're a Mystic!"


"Well half. Next question how do you know my father?" She walked over to the finger print pad and scanned her hand.


"Come all will be answered."


Circular elevator like thing came down from the ship and we stepped on. After doing so she began her story. "My name is Herria and I met your father when he met my mother. Like her I'm on The Galaxy Elite Fighters. He met her when he crashed landed on a planet in her galaxy she patrolled. Just as I have today. Well all except for the fact that he helped develop a new weapon there and landed a crew of space pirates in prison."


'There goes the ending to my book.' I thought.


By now we were in her humongous ship. In one corner there was a escape pod, the control panel was the first thing you saw. The control panel was a like a huge,blue, super computer that had tons of buttons. Then on the left side of the room looked like a meeting place with a large round table. There were about eight seats around it and a projection screen. Then over to the left was a huge door labeled 'weapons volt.' Then another elevator which lead to a second floor and probably up to a fourth.


"This time it's much worst. I crashed here because I was fending off Earth after leading and escaped criminal here to your galaxy. She's been targeting Earth for years as a way to rebuild her home land Cystashia. She is known as Amethyst Heart and she will crystalize the planet to make her own. I was struck down on of her crystal missiles and so now I'm here. She's probably looking for me."


"Probably? Heck from your story it sounds like the moment she finds you she's going to destroy you then crystalize this place first."


"Well before I can do anything my ship needs..."


Herria was interrupted by a loud bang in the air. We went back down the elevator and outside to see what it was. A ship just slightly smaller than Herria's was hovering over the park. The only difference was that her's was a shiny lavender and had yellow and green lights.


"Let me guess Amethyst Heart?" I asked sarcastically.


"Indeed. If we don't stop her she'll crystalize your planet. I guess it's time to bring out gun Two One Four."


"Two One Four? Is that code for something?"


"Yes on your planet it would mean 'the big gun.'"


"What you're holding isn't the 'big gun?'"


"Not even close."


AH's ship flew right above the park. Instead of the elevator her ship had a tractor beam that brought you up and down. As she descended to the ground there were some very specific features about her. Her hair was a mix of white, and purple. Her skin was a light purple and her eyes were white,so was her suit. Her suit was a no sleeves and super shorts. On her was a belt with a dark purple heart on it.. Man this chick really is an amethyst cause her shoes were matching white with purple straps. By now after this rant on how she looks she had placed her feet on solid ground.


"So Herria you've managed to run to Earth." AH said. Her voice was like a mix of shattering glass and the silky voice of a singer.


"I didn't run to Earth I had to make an immediate landing because of you. Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which is it?"


"I pick...crystalize Earth!"


"You're a really coo coo clock you know that?" I asked sarcastically.


"And you are," she said pointing,"Eric's son."


"How did you..."


"Your father along her mother put my brother on a death sentence."


'There goes another book. Thank you fruitcake woman.' I thought.


"Now look at us. The second generation of enemies now in a stand off for one measly planet."


"Look you crazy kook, you're not crystallizing Earth. I'd rather die than let you do that."


"As you wish." She stomped her right foot on the ground. Like ants giant crystals came crashing up out of the ground. When things like this happen the perfect thoughts just seem to pop in my head. Things like where my high school yearbook is or when Alaina's birthday is but most in importantly the tangibility spell. Really it's just holding the "ok" sign up. So that's what I did, I held the ok sign up on both hands to my side while saying "Derea (dear-a),terfop (tear-fop),genya (gen-yaw),morpherel (morph-fer-el)!" Just in time too. At the last word I became tangible. I have to say this,the inside of a crystal is beautiful.


"Can't touch this." I said with a smile.


"We’ll see about that." She said eyeing me.


"Zenderman you need to hold her off. I need to go get..."


"'The big gun'. Got it just hurry."


Herria ran off into her ship which left me and Ms.Crazypants. With both hands on my chest,"Ezfe (is-fay),herxia (her-x-a),kakey (k-key),shingizo (shin-ge-zoe)!" Both my hands moved to the opposite side. A cloud of smoke grew from the ground and out came two clones. Two very handsome clones if I do say so myself."You can't just go around crystallizing places!" Clone one said."You'll never have Earth!" Clone two chimed in.


"We'll see about that." She put her right hand in the air. From her palm formed a crystal shuriken."Hope you're ready to dance."


"Bring it purple." She raised her shuriken and swung with force.


"Duck for cover!" clone two screamed."What cover we're in a field!" Replied clone one. I on the other hand just smiled. It was coming right for my neck but,I remembered something she didn't, I was still tangible. It was a cold solid feeling as it went through me. She raised her hand again. This time though the shuriken was clear. Then I remembered something from the third book my father wrote.


'A weapon of color is a weapon of the first dimensional field. Or in English in your reality. A weapon without color is a weapon of the fifth field or in this case it's the field where you're tangible.'


'Oh crap!" I thought.


"Try dodging this." She threw the shuriken even harder.


"Kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey)!" I stuck my hands out quickly and a force field appeared.


I swear I could have been cut in half. That thing went half way through my force field. I put my hands down like nothing happened.

"My turn." The clones and me chanted. "Xera (ser-a)," said clone one with both middle fingers and thumbs touching. "Kenga (ken-gaw)," said clone two with opposite hands on his elbows. "Lawmoo(law-mou)," said the physical me."Fengaara (fin-ga-air-a),esrye (ez-rye),kownu (k-own-oo),pistaisa (pee-stay-sa)!"


The ground around Amethyst H. unearthed itself. Up from the ground it formed a giant spherical cage. Of course though she starts banging on it trying to get out. When doing this spell it takes a lot of concentration. Getting off focus once can ruin the whole thing. Her banging was like a constant headache. Each time she banged on the walls it felt like my brain was going to explode but of course something that makes everything go horribly wrong happens. Now imagine getting hit by a piece of glass that just popped from the ground. Well now lets which it from glass to a thick and hearty gem cause that exactly what happened. The gem came flying up from the ground, this caused me to lose concentration, and the spell being broken.


"I will not let a pestering human ruin my plans." She said pretty furious. I stood up and wiped the blood from my lip.


"I wouldn't exactly call it pestering more like protecting. Now!" I yelled out. Clone one went into action with his hands on his forehead. "Henuo (hen-you),pyro,gettilo (get-ill-o),kyretta (kia-r-et-a),fornoo (four-new)." He took his and put them to his side. From his hand to his shoulders his arms were on fire. He put his hands out and from hands came a cage made of flames.


Now here came the second part. All these plans only work because me and clones of course share a thought process. So now I had to make sure she didn't break it again. This would take more concentration because now I'd be doing four spells at once. Now clone two and I would have to do the earth spell again. We ran right next to the cage and right outside it with out fingers we marked a circle.


"Xera (ser-a),Kenga (ken-gaw),Lawmoo(law-mou) Fengaara (fin-ga-air-a),esrye (ez-rye),kownu (k-own-oo),pistaisa (pee-stay-sa)!" This time though the ground lift up in the inner circle. If I was doing another spell I'd probably collapse.


"You know sometimes it's better just to do the easy way." Herria came from her ship. Two One Four had to be the weirdest gun I'd ever see in my whole life. It seemed be a mix of a machine gun, a rifle , and tranquilizing gun.

"But I guess if you like the hard way we can do that." Herria aimed and was ready to fire.


"Fools! Even if you do drain my power or take me to the Galactic Federal Prison your precious planet will not last. There's a bomb somewhere in this field that will crystalize your entire planet in a matter of minutes. If you want to save your planet you have two minute till it detonates."


Herria slowly put down the Two One Four."We won't have enough time. Unless we can find that bomb Earth is lost."Moments like this you need to think quickly. I had an idea that I really didn't like. At ALL.


"Herria, I know we don't have time to find that bomb but, I do know how to contain it."




"If I can make about ten more clones they can go around this section of the park. I can then get all of them to the shield spell.

Then that gives the bomb only this spot to crystalize."


"It's brilliant but you must hurry."


I put both hands on my chest but this time I spilt my fingers."Ezfe (is-fay),herxia (her-x-a),kakey (k-key),shingizo (shin-ge-zoe)!" I moved my hands to side and up from the smoke came ten look alike clones.


"Ok you guys you know the plan."


"Of course!" They all chanted. The clones spread themselves out around the edges of the park. They held their hands out ready to perform the spell. This would have to be difficult because now I was controlling five times the amount of clones than before. But I had to do this. I closed my eyes.


"Kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey),kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey),kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey)..." my physical self and the clones chanted. The more the chat went to the bigger the shield got. The clones didn't have ability to close the field into a dome though. I raised my hands high to close it off."Kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey),kye (K-ie), ne , fortia (four-tey)." I said closing my hands together finally closing the dome.


It was like a flash of lightning. The bomb went off and it felt like nothing had happened. That is until I opened my eyes. My planned worked the bomb only went off under the dome leaving a thin crystal dome instead. I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead.


"Zenderman!" Herria called out.


"Herria! Where did you..."


"I hid in my ship just case. You did it."


"Well I didn't exactly do it alone." We kind of stared at each other for a few seconds until...

"Behind you!" She pushed me out of the way. Turns out A.H was behind me and Herria went and sucker punched her. In fact she punched her to the edge of dome. By then A.H had a bloody nose and was knocked out or at least we thought. After the final punch her face was cracked like glass.


"It's crystal clone! She got away." Herria said with clenched teeth. But with a sigh she walked back over to me. Only thing is the the clones gathered up around me.

"Who is the real one."


"Oh sorry. Ozignihs,yekak,aixreh,efze." The clones disappeared into a cloud of smoke."If she's on Earth I'll find her, that's a promise."


The next thing that happened shocked me more than this whole experience. Herria kissed me. Not only that but dead in the lips. I felt like my cheeks were on fire. I just sate there not exactly knowing whether to embrace it or reject it. It was the longest five seconds of my life.


"That's how we say thank you on my planet."


"...Ok...just saying but humans usually just say thanks. Not any...physical stuff...you know?"


Gosh I suck with girls. We'll let's just get pass that. After that Herria managed to fix her ship before morning and leave back to wherever. As for me I didn't exactly want to explain to the news that aliens invaded and saved our planet. Fun thing happen though. They kept the crystal dome at the park and use it like a skating rink. That night though I went and started writing. Maybe my son might need this. What am I saying he IS going to need it.


For some strange reason though I was approached by a man who seemed to know me. He said he was forming a team. A team of people with unique powers like mine. He said that there's a greater evil growing. I said "Yeah, let's do this."

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