into the dark | Teen Ink

into the dark

October 12, 2015
By emar1 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
emar1 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind- stitch

Into The Dark
The fog was rising, and the purest form of light peeks through.  I peered out the blackened cave walls to the crisp sands of the white beach.  The beauty amazed me.  Though something was wrong, the beach, the cave, they were too magnificent.  Then I saw him standing there staring at me.  The hate in his eyes pierced into my soul.  The only man I cared for with that look, I wanted to perish that instant.
“Wake up!”
At that I broke into combat and struck the voice with lightning.  The cry of the assailant was heart wrenching.  It was Magi!  Oh my God! What had I done.
“Help someone, please!”
“Ray it’s ok, it’s ok, it's Embro and I.”
There wasn't enough time, and then it happened, I blacked out.  I woke up and all I saw was Ember, Ember was an amazing girl with a beautiful power.  she had magnificent pitch  black hair, and chocolate brown eyes.  Ember, like the rest of us, had a horrific past.  when ember was a baby her parents gave her up because the couldn't take care of her, my dad found her.  he put the powers in her that make her who she is today.  latter she was put up for adoption and Embro, her brother, found her.  he took her out of the foster care system, and they fell in an amazing relationship.     
“ Hey ray how you doing?”
“Great.  Is Magi ok?”
“She’ll be fine, but i'm worried about you your nightmares are getting worse.”
“No i’m fine.”
Then it happened the alarm went off, every one ran to the sound.  It was the main computer it was him, the one we had been looking for.  it was needle, he had gone missing.  the only person in the world i could truly love, he was at our door.
(errr) “can someone let me in.”
(errr) “come on in.”
He was finally back i wanted to run up and kiss him but i didn't want to rush him.  his eyes were glowing, they were gorgeous.  His face made my eyes light up he was so handsome.  i wanted him to walk over to me and never leave. 
"Ray! I've missed you so much!"  
"I've missed you so much to!"
He ran up and bear hugged me.  Had he actually missed me that much, could that even be possible.  Then it happens he Said he loved me.  My heart melted, a smile grew on my face, it was heaven on earth. 
"Never leave me again Levi "
Oh no I had just called him by his real name.  Would he be mad, would he leave.  I was so worried. 
"I won't ever leave you, and I love it when you call me Levi."
"I love it too!"
Then my heart skipped a beat, the enemy alert went off.  Magnetic was outside our gates.  He was the one that took Levi.  Wait where was Levi going.  He must have been terrified oh such an enemy, but he wasn't. 
"Levi what are you doing!"
"I'm doing what's right"
"You're going to get yourself killed.  I won't allow, I just got you back.  You mean everything to me.  You promised you wouldn't leave me."
"And I won't leave you!  You are the one I'm protecting.  I was assigned to your training."
That was it I was not going to let him fight magnetica alone.
"I'm coming with you!"
"What?  No it's too dangerous!"
What had I just done?  It was dangerous, but it was the right thing to do.  I was going to do it no matter what it took.  I would die if it meant defeating magnetica.  Magnetica was my father, he left me when I was a baby.  I was left on a doorstep crying, because I knew, I knew he killed my mother the only one I loved out of my parents. 
"Magnetic a is breaking down our brier, we need to stop him!"
"Ok, let's go get him guys!"
"You guys deal with Scorpio and Vem, I got my dad!"
Scorpio and Vem were my dads partners.  They were ruthless, almost more than my dad, but no thoughts of fear were in my mind.  They were just wanna bees of the real criminal. 
"I know you're in there Ray come on out why don't you, we won't hurt you."
"But we might."
"Shut up Vem or you'll be the one dead."
This was it he found me, he was going to kill me like he killed mom. My mom was the prettiest hero in the whole world, I loved her so much.  With her beautiful brunet hair.  And coco brown eyes.  But he killed her, she was gone, and I hate him for it. 

The author's comments:

this touches me

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